• Show Date: 18/11/2018
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Vanessa Cox Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Blackwood & District Canine Society

Blackwood and District CS open show 18/11/2018   Terriers and Utilities

Smooth Fox Terrier 

G (2)

1. Turley’s LLyunamill Black Tie Affair. Well grown boy with a smart outline. Masculine well-balanced head, strong fore face and under jaw, giving a keen expression. Strong neck, good shoulders and topline, well-muscled hindquarters. Quality coat and fit as a fiddle. Moved steadily and true.

2. Davies’ LLyunamill Ruby Slippers. Feminine puppy bitch, liked her size and shapely outline. A bit of a pickle and needs to settle down to the task in hand, that said she has a lovely head with a keen eye. Good body for age, long neck, short level back, good quarters with a high set tail. In the puppy group challenge she settled down and showed that she is free moving and sound. BP and puppy group 1.

O (2)

1. Turley’s Zetamaz Marcel Marceau Avec LLyunamill JW ShCM. Mature male, pleasing in outline and overall balance and shown in fit hard condition. Attractive head with a keen expression. Clean front with straight legs, deep narrow chest and firm loin, tail bang on top and very good hindquarters. Moved true out and back with a good side gait. BOB and group 2.

2. Davies’ Tamedale Beethoven At LLyunamill another 5 year male, well made, masculine, head with a strong fore face and underjaw, dark eyes and high set ears. Good neck and top line, correct tail set, very good muscular condition. On the move, just toed in slightly coming on which cost him the class, but pleasing profile action.

Wire Fox Terrier

O (3)

1. Wynter & Hampton’s Furlongfox Amber Spyglass. Most collected on move and this won her the class. Smart and well-balanced in appearance with a pleasing outline. Feminine head and expression. Good front, lovely neck and shoulders, short back and tail bang on top. Shown in good coat and smartly presented. Moved out with purpose. BOB and group 4.

2. Hughes & Pearce’s Alkinra Your Song. Lovely girl, well-balanced throughout presenting a pleasing picture, just not quite putting her all in today on move and kept pulling. Attractive head and expression, dark eyes and neat ears. Lovely neck and shoulders, short back and tail well set and carried. Nicely presented harsh coat.

3. Wynter & Hampton’s Jean De Cresecques Avec Furlongfox (Imp). A really nice bitch also.

Welsh Terrier

O (2,1abs)

1. Brecknock Bleddyn ShCM. Smart dog, shown in fine fettle with a crisp jacket of good colouration and shown in great condition with very good muscle tone. Pleasing head with keen expression, strong muzzle and underjaw. Good front, straight legs, good depth of chest, and short strong loin, tail set on high giving a typical outline. Moved out soundly both ways. BOB


O (3,1abs)

1. Owens’ Frishbeck Guitarman. Mature dog with small neat ears, and dark eyes all giving a pleasing expression. Lovely neck and well placed shoulders to short level back, tail set on high and shown in good harsh jacket. Stylish mover keeping his outline and shape. BOB

2. Eason’s Andjoliam Silent Witness. Most attractive head, and expression, neat ears and good mouth. Reachy neck, well laid shoulders, compact body and well angulated hindquarters. Harsh jacket. A bit of a handful at the moment but can move well when he concentrates and has super outline. BP and puppy group 3.


O (1)

1. Price’s Pantycelyn He’s A Leader Amongst Silkdance. BOB. Well-made dog with a masculine head, neat ears, strong muzzle and good underjaw. Strong bone, good neck and well ribbed back. Perhaps just a touch long in loin, well bent stifles and good tail set. Moved out well enough, just needs to settle and concentrate a bit more.

Sealyham Terrier

O (2,1abs)

1. Wonnacott’s Jacott Dancers Welsh Wizard. Pleasing typy dog, just not happy with his surroundings today so cost him a group place as although sound, he was pulling on the move. Attractive well-shaped head with good ear set and correct bite. Strong level back of good length, well-muscled hind quarters and good tail set on. Nicely presented harsh jacket. BOB.

AVNSC Terrier

G (2)

1. Phillips’ Nantcoch Field Skipper. Border Terrier. Attractive bitch, with a feminine otter like head, correct bite and strong jaw. Good front, easily spannable, well ribbed back with strong rear end and well set on tail. Well-presented jacket of a harsh texture with undercoat and thick pliable pelt.

2. Fording’s Davmar Spring Song. Border Terrier. Handy size with a feminine well-shaped head, and keen expression, ears need to settle. Straight front with neat feet. Easily spannable, with good shoulders and ribs. Not in the best of coats at present as too much coat taken out. Movement was difficult to assess as she was pulling so much, hopefully more practice and training can help sort this out. BP and puppy group 4.

O (4)

1. Jones’ Dunham Lake She’s Got The Look AT Wyeafon (Imp USA). Australian Terrier. A cracking young red bitch, loved her head and expression with neat ears and darkest of eyes giving a keen expression. Good length of neck, well laid shoulders and good body length. Well-made hindquarters and good tail set. Has a free, springy action that is typical of the breed. Shown in excellent coat of correct harsh texture. Thought she looked a picture and such a showgirl too. Must have a bright future. Best AVNSC Terrier and terrier group 1.

2. Campden’s Romainville Rock N’ Rolla at Coedrhosyn. Glen Of Imaal Terrier. Well-balanced sturdy typy bitch with lovely head and expression, neat ears, dark pigment and eyes. Strong bone, pleasing outline, good front and rear angulations. Well-presented coat. Moved true front and back and is a great show girl also.

3. Owen’s Brickin Happy Dance. Norfolk Terrier

AV Terrier

P (1)

1. Fording’s Davmar Spring Song. Border Terrier- see notes above

Terrier Group. A strong group with some super dogs

1. Jones’ Dunham Lake She’s Got The Look AT Wyeafon (Imp USA). Australian Terrier

2. Turley’s Zetamaz Marcel Marceau Avec LLyunamill JW ShCM. SFT

3. Whitley’s Ginstean Black Bomber. SBT. Mature dog, who appealed for his well-balanced outline. Lovely head with a broad skull, dark eyes and neat well placed ears and very good underjaw. Good front, short coupled body and super muscle tone. Shown in gleaming jacket. Moved out with good ground covering action.

4. Wynter & Hampton’s Furlongfox Amber Spyglass. WFT

Terrier Puppy group

1. Davies’ LLyunamill Ruby Slippers. SFT.

2. Bissell & Candy’s Annemstaff Maggie May. SBT. Pleasing baby girl with a feminine head, broad skull, darkest of eyes and strong underjaw. Super body shape for her age with ample bone and substance. Close fitting gleaming jacket and good muscle tone. When she settled, I could see that she is a sound mover.

3. Eason’s Andjoliam Silent Witness. WHWT

4. Fording’s Davmar Spring Song. Border Terrier

French Bulldog

O (4,2abs)

1. Morgan & Williams’ Gwynsel Chains Of Love. Feminine well-balanced head, large correctly shaped ears and lovely big dark eyes. Very good neck, shapely body with deep brisket, nice tuck up, gentle roach and short strong loin. Shown in great coat and body condition. Moved out with a good stride. BOB and group 2.

2. Connors’ Judeffrey Jovial Of Ringablok. Fawn dog of nice size with a good head with broad skull, with correct ear shape, large dark eyes and well cushioned wide muzzle. Pleasing body shape with well sprung ribs, good topline showing a gentle roach. Shown in great body and gleaming coat condition. Steady mover, would have just liked a little more oomph.

Mini Schnauzer

G (3)

1. Williams’ Habanera Eldzh Hope For Lyzahro (Imp). Very smart and well-presented black bitch with a feminine head, dark eyes, her ears were a little untidy today. Nicely arched neck, good top line and tail set and well angulated hindquarters. Topped off with a harsh jet black well-presented jacket. Scores highly on the move, very sound and looked particularly good in profile.

2. Hancock’s Starbound Padina At Stavella. Another quality bitch with a pleasing outline. Attractive head and expression, dark eyes and very good bite. Good forechest and depth of chest with neck flowing into the shoulders. Nicely angulated hindquarters. Very well presented jacket. Moved out soundly, not quite the drive of the winner.

3. Williams’ Zantanas Something Special Lyzahro (Imp)

O (3)

1. Williams’ Saraswati Bonno Blue with Lyzahro (Imp). This smart white boy won the class on his excellent movement, so sound with a free and easy action and up on his toes. Pleasing size and well-balanced outline. Attractive masculine head, with dark eyes and good ear set. Good forechest, clean neck flowing into well laid shoulders and good topline. Well angulated hindquarters. Well-presented harsh jacket. BOB

2. Hancock’s Jacadmar Quantum Of Solace at Stavella ShCM. Pleasing mature well-made boy who was beautifully presented. Good overall proportions and well balanced outline. Attractive head with dark eyes and good bite. Lovely neck into well laid shoulders. Good depth of chest and firm body and well set on tail. Moved soundly but not the freedom of the winner.

3. Williams’ Beanara Njals Saga at Lyzahro

Tibetan Spaniel

G (2,1abs)

1. Hollifield’s Richearon Don’t Come Easy. Pleasing quality youngster with a lovely feminine head in proportion to body. Well placed ears, good eye shape and blunt muzzle. Nice neck leading into well laid shoulders, slight bow to front legs and hare footed. Sound with level topline, well-muscled hindquarters. Shown in lovely coat and condition. Although playing her handler up a bit on the move, I saw enough to note that she is sound. BOB

O (3,1abs)

1. Hollifield’s Donteas That’s What I Am at Richearon. Mature dog, with a masculine head in proportion to body. Dark eyes of oval shape, lovely cushioning to muzzle and good underjaw. Good neck and well laid shoulders. Well boned with level topline and good tail set. Nicely presented with plenty of coat and fringing. Won the class on his very good movement.

2. Rice’s Ricox Somebody To Love JW ShCM. Feminine bitch, attractive well-balanced head with dark eyes, good ear placement and cushioning to muzzle. Good front with well laid shoulders, good spring of rib and well angulated hindquarters. Free moving just not quite as tidy in front, but looks very good in profile. Presented in lovely coat and condition.

Boston Terrier

O (7,4abs)

1. Connor’s Ringablok Diamond. An attractive and well balanced puppy and for her tender age, she is so composed. Feminine head with a good width of skull and short and deep muzzle, good width of underjaw and neat, well set ears. Short coupled, with a good front, has a lovely compact body, good angulation and moved well for one so young covering the ground with ease. Shown in pristine coat. Should have an exciting future. BP & BOB, puppy group 2.

2. Connor’s Buddy’s Living legend of Ringablok. Very appealing and smart young male with a lovely square head, good ear placement all giving a pleasing expression. Compact body and nicely angulated front and back. Good depth to the body with a good spring of rib and a nice width across the chest. Moved soundly but not quite the freedom of the winner.

3. Rogers’ Glyn Ebwy Boy


O (5)

1. Richards’ Divazzi Desire For Romance. Won the class on her excellent movement. Feminine bitch with a pleasing head and kind eye. Clean neck, good lay of shoulder, good bone to front legs with tight feet. Good depth of chest giving plenty of heart room, good spring of rib and well-built hind quarters giving powerful driving rear movement. BOB and group 4.

2. Thomas’ Philcarthom One and Only. Promising puppy who gave a really good performance. Pretty well balanced head with kind eyes and good ear placement. Nice reach of neck, well boned, straight front legs, good depth of chest, firm topline and sound hindquarters. She won her place on her movement with very good reach and drive covering the ground effortlessly with her flowing action. BP and puppy group 3.

3. O’Connor’s Dalmanti Diamond Raider.

Tibetan Terrier

O (1)

1. Meakin’s Layoli Firecracker. Only a youngster but already showing much promise. Lovely head with good proportions and balance, dark round eyes, well placed ears with good furnishings. Good reach of neck leading into well placed shoulders, deep brisket and level topline, high set tail and moderate bend of stifle and well-muscled hindquarters. Scored highly on the move with his very good reach and drive. Nicely presented coat. BOB and group 1.

Japanese Shiba Inu

O (1)

1. Parry’s Xclusive Design by Incipita Vita (Imp) Pleasing shape with a well-balanced outline. Attractive typical blunt triangular head with well-developed cheeks and dark eyes. Neat ears carried well. Slightly arched neck, good forechest, level back and short firm loin. Shown in lovely coat and body condition. Moved very well with a typical brisk easy ground covering action. BOB, BP and utility puppy group 1.

German Spitz (Klein)

O (2,1abs)

1. Hughes & Forrester’s Radajasa’s Mary Touvestre for Candease. Very raw baby who needs more table and floor training. Sweetest of heads, neat ears and dark eyes. Short and compact in body and coat developing well. Will need plenty of time. BOB & BP

German Spitz (Mittel)

O (3,1abs)

1. Hewett’s Spellcast Talk Tidee. Eye catching brown male with a super well-balanced profile. Masculine wedge shaped head, neat ears that he used well, eye colour to match his coat. Short neck, well laid shoulders, good spring of rib, short loin and well-made hindquarters and good tail set. Shown in super coat and muscular condition. Came into his own on the move with a brisk and easy gait. BOB and utility group 3.

2. Hughes & Forrester’s Marlais Moonlight Serenade over Candease. Pleasing type and shown in good condition. Lovely masculine well balanced head, almond shaped eyes, and neat ears all giving a bright intelligent expression. Medium neck, straight topline, and well set on tail. Balanced angulation behind. Not in quite as full coat as winner. Moved out well with brisk action.

Shar Pei

O (2)

1. Elmer’s Carennydd Within Temptation avec Peipals ShCM. Mature bitch, of very good type. Lovely head, dark almond eyes, plenty of padding to muzzle and very good pigmentation. Good reach of neck, strong bone and straight front. She has a lovely clean outline and well-made hindquarters. Nice clean skin, shown in good coat and not over wrinkled. Moved out very well with free movement. BOB

2. Elmer’s Peipals Sid’s Sunset Thief. Handsome boy shown in lovely coat, just needs a little bit more confidence to show himself off to better advantage and could carry a touch more weight. Masculine head, neat ears, well-padded muzzle and strong underjaw. Good front and feet, ample bone, good topline and tail set. Moderate hindquarters. Sound free mover BP and puppy group 4.

AVNSC Utility

O (5,2abs)

1. Bawden & Brown’s Ch Khanate Gin Fizz ShCM. Schnauzer. Very smartly turned out male and shown in fit hard muscular condition. Lovely well balanced head, dark eyes and keen expression. Nicely arched neck flowing into well laid shoulders. Deep brisket, well ribbed and well developed loin and hindquarters. Covers the ground well on the move and a real showman too. Best AVNSC Utility.

2. Martin’s Foillan Fu-Ni ShCM. Chow Chow. Attractive and feminine head of good width with small thick ears, clean eyes, well-padded muzzle and very good pigmentation. Nice straight front, well laid shoulders and good depth of chest. Well-presented coat and moved out well with a good stride.

3. Smith’s Kessaku Heart and Soul at Snowshoes (Jap Spitz)

AV Utility

 P (1)

1. Jennings’ Jolindchow Sholin. Chow Chow. Delightful baby boy, a bit of a handful at the moment and needs to learn the ropes. Attractive head, of good width with neat ears, clean dark eyes and good pigmentation. Ample bone, neat feet, straight front and well laid shoulders, well bodied with short back and good tail set. When settled, he had a good brisk action.

Utility Group

1. Meakin’s Layoli Firecracker. Tibetan Terrier.

2. Morgan & Williams’ Gwynsel Chains Of Love. French Bulldog

3. Hewett’s Spellcast Talk Tidee. German Spitz (Mittel)

4. Richards’ Divazzi Desire For Romance. Dalmatian

Utility Puppy Group

1. Parry’s Xclusive Design by Incipita Vita (Imp). Jap Shiba Inu

2. Connor’s Ringablok Diamond. Boston Terrier

3. Thomas’ Philcarthom One and Only. Dalmatian

4. Elmer’s Peipals Sid’s Sunset Thief. Shar Pei

Vanessa Cox (Judge)