• Show Date: 29/12/2018
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Tony Allcock Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Luton Canine Association

Luton Canine Association

Premier Open Show

29th December 2018

Lhasa Apso

It was a real personnel disappointment that, due to circumstances beyond my control, many exhibits missed their classes due to a change in Hall and ring, hence the volume of absentees from a fabulous entry.

Puppy 8,6

1. Lewis’s Deelayne Jay Walker. Cream male, he has size preference. Liked his head proportions and substance. Good bite, level back excellent ribcage. Tail perhaps a touch flatter. A happy and extrovert boy with lots of time on his side. BP

2. Ward’s Jaydeish Angel Eyes. Nicely balanced, super length of neck. Attractive expression. Tail well set and carried with enough lift. Not quite the rear drive or forehand extension of 1.

Junior 5,4

1. Scales’s Zentarr Osbourne. Gold male. Liked his size and shape. Masculine head, dark eye and ex reverse scissor bite. Well put together. Well ribbed back, good angulation and well-muscled, excellent tailset and a level topline. Moved well but not striding out today. Beautifully presented.

Open 6,3

1. Anderson’s Zentarr Sapphire. A beautifully coated bitch of the right size. Moderately narrow skull, exquisite head and expression but without exaggeration, once into her stride she really moves. Presentation and coat texture was exemplary. BOB & G2

2. Holland & Lewis’s Deelayne El Conquistador. Masculine but not overdone. Another with a super head & expression, a lovely dog to go over. Nicely balanced and constructed throughout as evidenced on the move. Correct for size & substance.

3. Ward’s Alanmiks Chasing Rainbows over Linhavens (TAF)

30th December 2018

Bedlington Terrier

Puppy D/B 2

1.Kinns’s Grace Iz Moskovskoy Bemty. Very promising feminine puppy bitch. Well balanced head, dark eyes and beautiful thin ears, correct length of neck into well laid shoulders, flat ribs and good topline that she kept on the move. Correct tail setting held on the move. Delighted to award her BPIB and that the Puppy Group Judge liked her too!

2.Kinns’s Kinnuva Hawallan Velvet. Not quite the head qualities of 1. OK for neck and shoulders. Nicely balanced and of good proportions. Liked the coat quality. Excellent mover.

Junior D/B

1. Baldwin’s Woolytop The Pipers Son (NAF). 6 months old and very much a baby. Lovely head with correct eyes, excellent neck and shoulders. Held a decent topline on the move which was impressive when settled.

Graduate 1

1. Baldwin’s Woolytop Lavender Girl. This frere moving 2 year old has a well balanced expressive head, excellent for balance and body length. Moved very well.

Open 4,1

1.Bannister’s Miteymidgets English Dream. Eye catching. Correct overall shape and balance both standing and moving, presented in good order pleasing in head, having lovely eyes, correct mouth fine ears correctly shaped and set on. Natural arch over loin. Presentation was most impressive. BOB

2.Offer’s Woolytop The Wherry Man ShCM. Two year old male. Head with strong jaw and good skull, well set eye, correct ears, presents a balanced outline on the stand if a touch large. Deep chest. Jacket in great condition. Moved OK

3.Kinn’s Kinnuva Dark Sleekster

Border Terrier

Puppy D/B 9,5

1. Peacock’s Ragatam Essence. Superb head shape on this 8 month old. Excellent bite and teeth size. Jacket presented in great order. Pleasing shape when standing. Body having well ribbed back, spannable with narrowness and depth of body as required. Topline to settle. Moved with an easy stride.

2. Holmes’s Bimandi’s Banana Smoothie. 6 months old. Super skin and pelt. Nicely proportioned. Secure topline, tail well set. OK for neck. Smart mover and it all really came together in the next class.

3.Hollingsbee’s Otterwood Diodem

Junior D/B 6,1

1. Holmes’s Bimandi’s Banana Smoothie

2. Hollingsbee’s Otterwood Diodem Pleasing feminine head, neat ears, dark eyes with keen expression. Correct front well laid shoulders, nicely angulated hindquarters. Coat OK. Moved out well.

3. Pateman’s Twigglestone Somethin Else for Lessien

Post Graduate D/B 6,2

1. Irving’s Dandyhow Heather Honey. Well-constructed feminine grizzle. Clearly a quality bitch in respect of that beautifully proportioned head, expressive eyes and finish to foreface. In fabulous textured jacket, showed with confidence and moved well.

2. Pateman’s Twigglestone Somethin Else for Lessien Pleasing for make and shape. Moderate width of head and strong muzzle. Dark eyes, correct bite and small well set ears. Straight front and neat feet. Moderate neck, well ribbed, level topline and high set tail. OK front.

3. Heeley’s Thistlemead Harmony JW

Open 6,2

1. Irving’s Dandyhow Captain Morgan. This grizzle dog excels in head qualities. He stands demonstrating correct balance with presence to boot. Spans well, well ribbed back, correct front with moderate rear angulation enabling his to move effortlessly around the ring. Topline secure on the move. BOB

2. Jepson’s Mysulan Easy Ryder. Appealing 13 month old, blue and tan of appealing size and shape. Balanced head having a broad skull and a keen expression, correct narrow front, ribs carried well back. Moved much better in this class.

3. Healey’s Thistlemead Starlight


Manchester Terrier

Puppy D/B

1. Judge’s Harliboo Pretty in Pink at Wysabelkid. 11 months old. Coming together. Head of fair balance but rather spoilt by large unsettled ears. Correct size and shape of eye. Excellent coat. Moved well. BPIB

Open 4,2

1. Willis’s Talanors Super Treat ShCM. A strong dog with good bone and correct breed points. He grew on me as the class progressed when he became more settled. He is well angulated, front and back but a touch wide coming towards me. In great condition. BOB

2. Greenslade’s Utterbygreen Mint Chocolat. OK for tanning. In excellent jacket but carrying far too much weight. Moved steadily.

Parson Russell Terrier

Puppy D/B 3,2

1. King’s Scapegrace Albus of Riosset. 8 month old. Lovely size and shape. Would just prefer a touch more refinement in head. Spanned well. Correct topline. Nicely textured jacket. Moved well.

Junior D/B 2

1. Newport’s Digaden Tip Top. Impressive puppy with an impressive head. Correct earset, tapering neck into good well laid back shoulders. Topline as desired, well angled rear, moved really. Should have a promising future. BOB & BPIB

2. Hance’s Riosset Right To Rome. A very well presented youngster, nice shape of head if a touch heavier than 1. Quality pelt. Excellent tail set. Moved OK.

Open D/B 4,3

1. Newport’s Digaden Made To Measure. Impressive feminine expression in a very well balanced head. Super eyes. Good length of neck. Correct front, well ribbed and spans OK. Rear movement just needs to settle.

Any Variety Terrier

Puppy D/B 5,2

1. Hayes’s Ragus Seven Jumps, Norwich Terrier 9 month old bitch, showing lots of promise. Feminine head with a well-shaped skull, neat ears and dark. Strong neck, well laid shoulders, cobby body but no more weight! Accurate mover.

2. Steinke’s Toulsyork Perfectionist, 7 months old Airedale. Liked her overall size and proportions. Pleasing head, well balanced. Well-developed body which maybe a touch long; holds a firm topline and moderate rear angulation.

3. Webster’s Elitebull Hydra, SBT

Junior D/B 5,3

1. Hayes’s Ragus Seven Jumps.

2. Pateman’s Twigglestone Somethin Else for Lessien, Border Terrier (see Breed)

Post Graduate D/B 2

1. Simons’s Saredon Red Berry, Irish Terrier. 22 month old male, coming into his own. Fabulous jacket being thick and wiry. OK head and small ears. Excellent lay of shoulder and well set lengthy neck. Moved keenly with strong rear drive.

2. Heeley’s Thistlemead Harmony JW, 20 months old, Border bitch. Nicely proportion grizzle bitch with super feminine head, strong teeth. Secure backline and well set tail. Correctly textured coat. Moved ok.

Open 4

1. Bamsey’s Ch Holbam Pearly Star Sh CM., Irish Terrier. 6 years. Super for type. Excels in head qualities with great ears, super eyes and finish. Strong flowing neck and well laid shoulders. Presented in excellent condition. Movement was effortless.

2. Hayes’s Ragus Fabulous Clown ShCM, Norwich T. This 4 year old dog I have judged before. Scores in maturity and showmanship. Great for head, neat well placed ears and dark expressive eyes. Good length of neck, lovely short back. Strong rear. Coat on the blow. Unlucky to meet 1.

1. Kinn’s Kinn’s Kinnuva Dark Sleekster, Bedlington T

Veteran 5,2

1. Irving’s Ch Dandyhow Sonata, Border Terrier. 7 years old and gorgeous with it. I just loved her head proportions in which are contained those gorgeous eyes all portraying such a feminine expression. Excellent lay of shoulder, great span and pelt. Super body shape having correct length of rib and loin ratios. Strong hindquarters, moved very well. Not surprised to find she is a titled lady!

2. Steinke’s Wendire Jokers Zulu Angel. Airedale. Slightly heavier type and presented in very good condition for her age. Stronger head with good ears, perhaps a touch more length of neck would enhance. Sound honest mover.

3. Rogers’s Falkmere’s First Impression SHCM