• Show Date: 12/05/2018
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Tom Mather Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Birmingham & District Dobermann Club

Breed: Dobermann

Birmingham & District Dobermann Club – Open Show – 12/5/2018   It was a great pleasure to judge this friendly, well organised show.  There was a lovely atmosphere with lots of applause after each class.  I was impressed by the quality of the entry, all of them, without exception, had smashing temperaments and I was impressed by the good muscle tone on most of the exhibits.  As a judge, it’s great to have the privilege of judging some of the top winners in the breed so thank you all for the honour – I did appreciate it.  I was blessed with a really excellent steward - thank you Paul.  The lovely glass trophy will be a memento of a most enjoyable day.     Dogs   Minor Puppy  1 Jones’ Korifey Dark Knight.  He set the tone for the rest of the day with his lovely temperament.  Well balanced and presented a lovely clean outline.  Flat skull, good length of head, strong nicely arched neck.  Excellent feet.  Good body for age with typical topline.  Sound on the move.   Puppy  1 Mycroft & Browns Supeta’s Backstabber.  Masculine yet with some elegance.  Very pleasing head, good neck and shoulders.  Decent forechest.  Strong short back.  Decent tuck up.  Well angulated and moved out well.  2 Edyveane’s Jojavik Victor Rizzi at Katemead.  Handsome with a pleasing head and expression.  Not quite the depth of brisket of the winner as yet.  Excellent bone, legs and feet.  In first class condition and moved soundly with some drive.     Junior  1 Nicol-Jones, Bennet & Ingram’s Jojavik Cookie Monster.  Impressive with a lovely clean typical outline.  Good length of head, flat skull.  Deep ribs, short back and strong loin.  Strong hindquarters which were well angulated and gave him some drive on the move.         2 Webb’s Shalissa’s Siriusly Costly.  Masculine and well balanced, pleasing head, tight lips and keen expression.  Nicely crested neck, could be a tad stronger in pastern.  Good body with depth of rib and short loin. Quite exuberant, he is a good moving dog.   3 Orrell’s Shalissa’s Siriusly Nutty   Yearling  1 Murray’s Luftez Solstice.  Good length of head with neat ears and keen expression.  Strong short back with tyical topline and well set tail.  Good hind angulation.  Very good profile action but just a tad wide in front coming back to me.    2 Billington’s Luftex Meridian for Yrieix.  Pleasing head but could perhaps be a little tighter in lip.  Clean neck and shoulders and good depth of brisket.  Inclined to pace on the move but once he got into his stride he was sound and quite impressive.     Novice  1 Nicol-Jones, Bennet & Ingram’s Jojavik Cookie Monster.    2 Salisbury & Ralph’s Monarkle Fruit Loop.  Strong masculine head with deep muzzle, good neck and shoulders, strong well angulated quarters.  Moved soundly but not the vigour or drive from the rear of the winner.      Graduate  1 Webb’s Shalissa’s Siriusly Costly.     Post Graduate  1 Schneiders’ Shantock Moon River.  Another who presented a lovely outline with his short back and nicely arched neck.  Good head, decent forechest with depth of brisket.  Pleasing round bone.  Strong, short loin.  Very well muscled and nicely angulated quarters.   2 Groves & Lafford’s Lateagain Satisfaction.  Shapely with a good topline which he kept at all times, pleasing forehand.  Moved soundly with free, flowing action.      3 Salisbury & Ralph’s Monarkle Space Cadet   Limit  1 Santoriello’s Korifey Amulet JW.  Beautifully schooled and does show to best advantage.  Excellent forehand.  Very pleasing head with flat skull, clean deep muzzle, good forechest.  Deep ribs with short broad loin and excellent topline and tail carriage.  Moved well with an easy balanced gait.  Reserve Best Dog.    2 Morgan’s Newford Moves Like Jagger at Calonmac.  A good moving dog with an impressive side gait and good topline which he keeps at all times. Good head with proud carriage, well boded, strong well angulated quarters.   3 Gethin’s Abovo Independence Day   Open  1 Tyler’s Jojavik Bulletproof Bomb JW.  Masculine and in really fit, hard condition. Clean head with tight lips.  Very good neck and shoulders, good forechest with depth of brisket and short, strong back. Moved soundly with power and vigour and in profile he was most impressive.  Best Dog and BOS.   Veteran  1 Parson’s Ottia Captain Barbossa.  Shapely and masculine with good depth of brisket, well ribbed and short coupled.  Pleasing head with strong white dentition.  Moved out well with some power from the rear.    2 Matthews’ Lebakker Tymur Taraz at Heathwaen ShCM.  Really good head and expression, good bone and lovely compact, arched feet.  Strong, well angulated quarters.  A good mover.     Bitches   Puppy  1 Everley’s Manzart Vogue.  I thought she was lovely!  Good length of head, keen expression, strong arched neck and well laid shoulders. Excellent topline and tailset.  Deep ribs, some tuck up and good hind angulation.  Beautiful feet which were compact and nicely arched.  Most impressive on the move.  She beat a very good dog to take BPIS.   2 Tousent & Ingram’s Jojavik Camorra.  Close up and she too is impressive in profile, lovely head and expression.  Well bodied for age.  Sound and powerful on the move.    3 Tyler’s Nyx Asteri Wot A Thriller   Junior  1 Fisher’s Jojavik Modesty Blaise.  Beautifully balanced and impressed on the move with very evident reach and drive.  Long, crested neck, depth of brisket and good ribbing.  Very typical topline.   2 Webb’s Shalissa’s Siriusly Stunnin.  Elegant and feminine, pleasing head and expression.  Not quite the shoulders of the winner but well ribbed with a strong, short loin and good topline.  Moved well.  3 Billington’s Supeta’s Donatella Versace Avec Yrieix   Yearling   1 Murray’s Luftez Hypernova.  A good moving bitch with some reach and rive.  Flat skull , good overall length of head, pleasing expression, nicely arched neck.  Well bodied with short, slightly sloping topline.    2 Ingram’s Jojavik Forget Me Not JW ShCM.  Appealling for both type and balance.  Strong round bone, excellet feet.  Well ribbed.  Moved soundly but not quite the drive of the winner.    3 Billington’s Supeta’s Donatella Versace Avec Yrieix   Novice  1 Everley’s Manzart Voodoo Magic.  Litter sister to the Best Puppy and she too has lot of quality.  Well balanced with an attractive head, good planes and keen expression.  Decent neck and shoulders.  Good feet.  Deep chest with some tuck up.  Impressed on the move.    2 Tyler’s Nyx Asteri Wot A Thriller.  Standing present a most attractive outline, good neck with a pleasing head, short strong back and typical topline.  Not quite the drive from the rear of the winner.     Graduate  1 Webb’s Shalissa’s Siriusly Stunnin.    2 Groves’ Lateagin Falling For You.  Typey and well balanced, could have a little more forechest.  Well ribbed with good topline.  Well angulated.  Could have a little more drive from the rear.     Post Graduate  1 Morgan’s Korifey Opium.  Well schooled and shows to best advantage.  Feminine with good head planes, long strong muscular neck, excellent forehand.  Good rib and body.  Typical topline.  Impressive on the move.    2 Parson’s Ottia Maleficent.  Strong round bone, good feet.  Deep ribbed with strong short loin.  Strong, well angulated quarters.  Sound on the move.    Limit  1 Jones’ Korifey Treasure JW ShCM.  The third from this litter to win a class today – they all impressed me.  Lovely head and expression.  Strong clean arched neck.  Good bone and feet. Well bodied with good depth of brisket and excellent topline and tail set.  Moved out with some power from the rear.  A good showgirl.   2 Murray’s Mianna’s Cracklin Rosie at Luftex JW.  Lots of quality with a most pleasing head and eye.  Well ribbed with typical topline.  Sound, powerful and vigorous on the move.   3 Gethin’s Abovo Miss American Pie ShCM   Open  1 Ingram’s Ch Ir Ch Jojavik Poison Ivy JW ShCM CW16.  I was told after judging that I had given this bitch a BIS when she was a youngster and I was delighted to have the opportunity to handle her again as a mature adult.  She is all of a piece with a good clean head, lovely neck and shoulders with good forechest.  She is well boded with a slightly sloping topline and she is completely unexaggerated.  She has a powerful, easy fluid action and didn’t let up for a second.  Best Bitch and BIS.  2 Ingram’s Ch Jojavik Penelope Pitstop JW ShCM.  Again, lots of quality and lovely type.  Feminine and elegant with a first class forehand, excellent bone, legs and feet.  Short backed with a good topline and she too moves out very well displaying plenty of reach and drive.  Reseerv e BIS and     3 Nicoll-Jones, Bennet & Mycroft’s Supeta’s In Yer Dreams With Kyricia JW   Veteran  1 Webb’s Lateagain Sassperella Star at Shalissa ShCM.  Still has an elegant, typical outline, pleasing head with good planes, flat skull, clean neck and shoulders, strong well angulated hindquarters.  Compactly built.      2 Parson’s Ch Ottia Lady Gaga.  Shown in excellent condition with a good typical topline.  Good bone, legs and feet.  Deep brisket,  Sound and steady on the move.        Judge: Tom Mather