• Show Date: 11/11/2018
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Suzanne Keree-Bartolo Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Northern Afghan Hound Society

My thanks to the committee and members for a warm welcome to this show, and to my stewards for their assistance. My sincere gratitude to all who gave me the honour of their entries and allowing me to judge their dogs, my entry was small but of high quality, unfortunately some did not like the floor and would probably move better outside.

MPD (1) 1. Smithson & Mitchell’s Zandahar Xplosive Storm, Well-made B/M Cream, masculine well balanced head, correct bite, Good substance throughout, nice shoulder placement and length of upper arm. Good depth of chest, well angulated rear quarters, level topline when stood, not very happy today, but hopefully should improve with age and ring training.

PD (2) 1. Middleton’s Davashey Ron Weasley S/M Cream almost 12 months, balanced in outline, fair layback of shoulder and good return of upper arm, good depth of chest, level topline, prominent hip bones, showed well and out moved his litter sister in the challenge. BPD & BPIS

JD (3) 1. Hunter’s Neptune De Koulangar At Sulahmara (ImpFr), Well balanced B/M Gold, nice head, with a dark eye, scissor bite, prominent occiput, fair length of neck leading into a good shoulder and length of upper arm, good depth of brisket, spring of rib and depth of chest, well angulated rear quarters, moved and showed well.

2. Reed’s Cloudside Sunstrike, B/M Brindle nice shape, balanced head with a nice eye and scissor bite, good length of neck leading into a good lay back of shoulder and length of upper arm, level topline, good fallaway and ring tail, lost out to the winner on movement.

YD (2) 1. Hunter’s Neptune De Koulangar At Sulahmara, 2. Reed’s Cloudside Sunstrike

ND (1) 1. Hunter’s Neptune De Koulangar At Sulahmara

GD (1) 1. Metcalf’s Jo-Kins Pineapples Have Peelings Too (ImpFi), Black/Silver Nice head with a dark eye and correct bite, Good layback of shoulder and length of upper arm, good width of brisket, good spring of rib and depth of chest, ring tail, exuberant on the move.

PGD (3) 1. Gorman & Latimer’s Affietar Glen Shiel Of Zharook, I liked the overall shape of this B/M Gold dog and balance, he had a nice head, dark eye and a scissor bite, fair layback of shoulder and good length of upper arm, fair spring of rib and depth of chest, saddle, prominent hip bones, good rear angulation, presented very well and moved with style. RBD

2. Cullen’s Khamis Aequitas At Eweyisska, Masculine S/M White dog, dark eye, masculine head, scissor bite, not quite the angulation of my class winner, but a good length of upper arm, good depth of chest, prominent hip bones. Not happy on this floor today.

LD (1) 1. Reed’s Cloudside Music Maker, B/M gold well presented in lovely condition, Fair layback of shoulder and good return of upper arm, good depth of brisket, well sprung ribs and good depth of chest, matching front and rear angulation, ring tail, sound on the move and showed well.

OD (3,2 abs) Cullen’s Syrdarya Toffy Pop At Eweyisska, shaded masked Brindle, well balanced in outline, good body and muscle tone, Nice head, dark eye fair length of neck, good lay back of shoulder and return of upper arm, good depth of brisket, spring of rib and depth of chest, level top line, ring tail, moved soundly and showed well. BD

VD (1) Gorman, Inman & Lacey’s Ishara Star Of The Survival (ImpHun), Impressive and very well presented Blue dog, nice shape, nice head and eye, prominent occiput, Good length of upper arm, good spring of rib and depth of chest, firm loin, good fall away with a good tail set and carriage, moved with style, such a showman BVD, lost out in the challenge for BVIS to a lovely 10 year old bitch on shoulder placement and forward extension.

MPB (1) 1. Middleton’s Davashey Madam Hooch, Black/Silver 11 ½ months old, light construction, feminine head, dark eye, correct bite, good length of neck, fair layback of shoulder, good length of upper arm, fair spring of rib, prominent hip bones, ring tail, fairly well balanced, exuberant puppy, lost out to her litter brother in the challenge for BPIS on movement. BPB. BOS puppy in show.

PB (0)

JB (3) 1. Raper’s Tulak Just Go With It For Amariz, Liked this B/M Gold bitch with her coat pattern and well-defined saddle, very feminine and well balanced throughout, lovely head with dark eye, good expression, good front and rear angulation, level topline, good tail set and carriage, considered her in the challenge for RBB, she lost out to a mature bitch moving very well on the day. A lot to like about this one.

2. Vowles Neytiri De Koulangar with Azmari (ImpFr) Brindle, very sound and honest bitch, nice head with a dark eye, good shoulder placement and return of upper arm, prominent hip bones, moved soundly just preferred the shape of my class winner.

3. Bleasdale’s Tulak No Strings Attached, Lovely cream bitch, with a good body and a lot to like about her, one of the best triangular shaped eyes at the show today, could do with a little ring craft training to get the best out of her.

YB (2) 1. Parker’s Saxonmill Jean Genie At Khatira, Feminine Black/Silver, Nice head and dark eye, good overall shape, good lay back of shoulder and length of upper arm, level top line with prominent hip bones, good depth of chest, good tail set and carriage. Very well angulated rear quarters, would just like a little more body on her, she moved with a lovely springy gait.

2. Vowles Neytiri De Koulangar with Azmari (ImpFr)

NB (2) 1. Raper’s Tulak Just Go With It For Amariz. 2. Bleasdale’s Tulak No Strings Attached

GB (3) 1. Edwards’ Valkor Velora, Well balanced Brindle bitch, nice outline, nice head, correct bite, strong underjaw, Good length of neck leading into a good shoulder placement and good length of upper arm, good depth of brisket, good spring of rib and depth of chest, firm loin, level topline, prominent hip bones with a good fallaway, tail set and carriage, well-muscled hind quarters, shown in excellent condition, free moving and very sound on the move. RBB & RBIS

2. Vowles Neytiri De Koulangar with Azmari (ImpFr) 2nd in Junior. 3. Holmes’ Affietar Glen Morar

PGB (1) 1. Coombes’ Gezancol Topsy Turvy, Black/Silver Well balanced in outline, feminine with a good head, dark eye and correct bite, well bodied, good spring of rib and depth of chest, level topline, firm loin and good fallaway, moved and showed well.

LB (5,2 abs) 1. Hughes’ Gezancol Saving Grace, I really liked this beautifully balanced B/M Gold, good size and shape, good length of neck, good lay back of shoulder and return of upper arm, good depth of brisket, spring of rib and depth of chest, firm loin, prominent hip bones and good fallaway, well set tail carried well on the move. Lovely feminine head with a dark eye and prominent occiput, low set ears, correct bite and good underjaw, moved soundly with style, extension and drive. I Was pleased to award her BB & BIS.

2. Parker’s Devanmarn Say The Magic Word At Khatira, Black/Silver, lovely shape not the topline of my winner, but still lots to like about her, Nice feminine head and dark eye, good length of neck, fair spring of rib, good depth of chest, moved well.

3. Cullen’s Zilbeck Zilandra.

OB (1, 1abs)

VB (1) Metcalf’s Ch Cubanba Northern Star JW, Gold Grizzle, 10 years old and doing really well for her age, well balanced throughout, good head with a dark eye and good under jaw, good front, layback of shoulder and return of upper arm, good spring of rib and depth of chest, level top line and good fallaway, well set tail carried well in action and finished with a good ring. She moved with forward extension and drive and was so sound on the move. Pleased to award her BVIS. Judge Suzanne Kerée-Bartolo