• Show Date: 28/01/2018
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Roxane Hobbs Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

City Of Cambridge & County Canine Society

City of Cambridge & County Canine Society – 28 Jan 2018

Thank you to the committee of City of Cambridge & County Canine Society for inviting me to judge Cavaliers at their open show. Thanks also to my stewards who kept the classes moving well.   All exhibits were well presented and thank you to the exhibitors who accepted my decisions sportingly,   I was, however, quite surprised to find some incorrect mouths. 


P (2,1) 1. Whitman & Tarabad's Khatibi Amber Lynne: 10 months Ruby bitch. This little girl has improved vastly on when I first saw her as a raw 6 month old. She has round dark eyes and well set ears, which are framing her face nicely. A muzzle of correct length, with a perfect scissor bite, along with a shallow stop finishes the picture nicely. Ok reach of neck, leading to a well laid shoulder and a level topline. Reasonably good turn of stifle. Movement was OK, if a little erratic. Happy little showgirl - though she gave her handler some work to do today, which cost her in later classes BP.

J (3,0) 1. Wimbley's Trishine Celestial Dream With Finjaro: 20 month old, heavily marked Blenheim dog, presented in excellent condition. This is another dog whom I have seen in the ring before as a raw baby of 6 months. He is maturing nicely giving the overall impression of a sporting toy spaniel. A masculine dog with well spaced, dark, round eyes, well set ears and an almost flat skull. Ample cushioning under the eye completes a sweet, but masculine expression. Correct scissor bite. Ample reach of neck,leading to a well laid shoulder followed by a level topline, which he held both standing and on the move. Good turn of stifle. Movement OK,tended to move a little close behind on occasion. 2. Whitman & Tarabad's Khatibi Amber Lynne: See Puppy . 3. Hogan's Stavonga Sacha

G (5,2) 1. Wimbley's Trishine Celestial Dream With Finjaro: See Junior . 2. Hutchin's Frondil's Office Ed: .20 month old ruby dog. Most of the attributes of 1,apply to this similar aged dog, though the overall impression was that he just didn't have quite the finish of 1. This will improve with time I am sure. Preferred movement of 1. 3. Whitman & Tarabad's Khatibi Amber Lynne.

PG (3,0)  1. Hogan's Miltree Ophelia At Stavonga: 2 yrs blenhiem bitch with a well broken coat of rich chestnut and white. Lovely feminine expression with dark eyes, well set ears and a muzzle of correct length. Correct scissor bite. Ample reach of neck,leading to a well laid shoulder, nice short coupled body, good spring of rib, and a well set tail, which she used to her advantage. Good turn of stifle. Moved well, but I would like to see a little less weight on this bitch. RBOB 2. Wimbley's Trishine Celestial Dream With Finjaro: See Junior. 3. Morgan's Hearthfriend Top Withens.

O (4,1) 1. Whitman & Tarabad's Khatibi Bark Obama: 2 yrs old Black & tan dog. Beautifully presented,with a gleaming raven black coat and rich, clean tan in all the right places. Sweet but masculine expression with dark eyes, well set ears and a muzzle of correct length. Good reach of neck,leading to a well laid shoulder, short coupled body, with a good spring of rib and a well set tail. Level topline, which he held both standing and on the move. Good turn of stifle. Moved well away and back. BOB. 2. Morgan's Hearthfriend Top Withens. 4 year old tricolour dog. Overall a larger stamp of dog than1. Masculine expression with dark eyes, well set ears and a muzzle of correct length. Perfect scissor bite. OK reach of neck,leading to a well laid shoulder, reasonably short coupled body, with a good spring of rib. Tail set OK. Level topline standing, but lost on the move. Moved OK away and back. Presented well. 3. Richmond's Charlottetown New Approach

Judge: Roxane Hobbs (Beaconsfylde)