• Show Date: 08/04/2018
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Richard Gunn Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 23/11/2023

Otterhound Club

The Otterhound Club open show 08.04.18

Judge Mr R.J.Gunn.

My thanks to the officers and committee for all their hospitality on the day. I thoroughly enjoyed my day with you all and we were lucky that the rain held off so judging could be done outside.

Stakes classes:

Junior dog or bitch 2 entries.

1st C. Harris Pcoh Siebie.

An appealing dog of just over 12 months who is nicely balanced. Majestic in head with a distinct stop, domed skull and balanced in profile. Deep set eye with his ears set on a level with their corner and of good length. Correct front with plenty of bone and well laid shoulders. Good depth of chest with well sprung ribs carried well back. Well muscled rear with a moderate turn of stifle and well let down hocks. Presented in a good harsh coat with nice beard to his head. He moved well covering the ground with a sound active stride.

2nd H. Brown Pcoh Samphire.

Litter sister to winner she is more feminine in appearance but has all the qualities of her brother. Correctly proportioned in every way with good bone and muscle throughout I just preferred her brother on the move.

Graduate dog or bitch 0 entries.

John Ashworth Memorial Stakes dog or bitch 8 entries 3 withdrawn 3 absentees.

1st V. Finch Ottaryx Marshall.

A most majestic dog of nearly 5 who I loved from head to toe. He gives the appearance of a powerful hound with good bone, strong muscle who is balanced in outline and whilst moving. Handsome head of correct depth and not too wide. Strong in muzzle with a wide nose, distinct stop and skull rising to a nice dome. His eyes were moderately deep set and gave an intelligent expression. Good length of ear which showed the distinctive fold inwards and were set in line with the corner of his eye. Good length of neck down to his shoulders which are well laid back his front was straight with strong pasterns. Oval ribcage of good depth and well sprung allowing plenty of room for heart and lungs. Short strong loin to nice fall away at rear with high set tail which he carried up when moving. Correct rear which was strong with moderate angulation and well let down hocks. He was presented in good natural coat with nice beard and moustache on his head. On the move he demonstrated a good length to his stride which was both sound and active.

2nd Mr & Mrs Gough & Miss E Ricketts Ottaryx Magnum.

Litter brother to class winner and again a very handsome well balanced hound who would be capable of a day’s work both on land and in the water. Balanced in head as his brother with good ears and not exaggerated in any way. Good front and rear construction which again showed in his sound, active movement. Well muscled throughout he certainly gave his brother a run for his money.