• Show Date: 24/06/2018
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Rachel Smith Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Midland Whippet Club

The sun was shining and there was a gentle breeze; making for perfect whippet weather. It was a pleasure to judge a super entry in a lovely outdoor ring. Thank you to all at MWC for a warm welcome; special thanks to my stewards who did a super job. And of course thank you to all those that allowed me the privilege of judging your dogs.

I was looking for a moderate whippet; elegant and curvy, well muscled, free and easy in profile movement and most of all accurate on the up and back. There were several that appealed stacked but sadly disappointed on the move and therefore this was reflected in their placing. 


1 Osborne’s Midnight Dazzler at Derohan. A 9 year old black dog; presented (as are all this exhibitors dogs) in such super condition. His coat positively gleamed in the sunshine. Masculine but elegant. Really liked his front assembly; good return of upper arm, front fill and lay back of shoulder. Lovely curvy outline; still displaying a super tuck up, which is lacking in many. Moved well from any angle. 

MPD (1)

1 Potter’s Stormalong Sentinel. This fawn dog was a real baby at 6 months old. Beautiful coat; and super smooth to go over with very good lay back of shoulder. He is a little narrow all through at the moment and needs some time to come together. He moved out well; tidy coming towards but just a little close behind. 

PD (5)

1 Price’s Wheelspin Silver Shadow among Silkdance. This fawn dog is a real star in the making and ticked all the boxes for me today. Quality, type, elegance and style in abundance. He is so smooth under the hand; the very best of shoulders, well filled front, ideal substance for his size and best of feet. He presents a beautiful outline stacked; with correct, moderate angulation. Moved so accurately up and back and with a free easy stride in profile. He was presented in beautiful condition. Best Dog & BPIS. 

2. Neale’s Runaround Starman At Stormalong. My notes read “another really super puppy” He shares so many of the attributes of 1. Beautiful type; curvaceous outline and super sound mover. I just preferred the more fluid profile movement of 1 today. But I’m sure these two both have very bright futures ahead. 

J (5) A super class of boys; the first 3 were all very close up; making for a difficult decision.

1. Wilton-Clark’s Shalfleet The Lion King. Such a handsome, quality brindle youngster; he has the most gorgeous head and melting expression. Well filled front, correct bladed bone and standing on good feet. Curvy outline, topline held well at all times. Strong quarters. So stylish on the move; moving out effortlessly with super reach and drive and so sound coming and going. Seriously considered for Best Dog; unfortunately wasn’t as settled with a change of handler in the challenge.

2. Neale’s Runaround Starman At Stormalong

3. Wood’s Ardencote Dating Destiny

Y (1) 1. Harris’ Zoraden Surprise Party

Fawn and white dog presented in superb order; a credit to his owner. Fine, close coat and very well muscled. He is masculine, of a good size and presents a curvy outline. A little wide in front both standing and on the move; but he moved out with ease in profile. Strong, moderate quarters and low hocks.

MD (2) This was a very close decision between these dogs of very different type and both having strengths in different areas

1. Knowles’ Lolani Storm Rider. Very handsome red fawn dog; he has a beautiful head and expression. He is incredibly smooth to go over; very good shoulders, muscle tone and he was presented in lovely order. He is looking rather the teenager at 10 months as is to be expected; just needing to fill out and body up. He moved out with good reach and drive; just a little untidy coming and going. 

2. Manners’ Mannerpool It’s A Fine Life. This dog scored on size and very shapely outline. He has good bone, neat feet and enough spring of pastern. Moderate rear quarters. He too just lacks a little body and maturity at this stage. Presented in beautiful order 

ND (1)

1. Woods’ Ardencote Dating Destiny. This fawn dog was placed third in a strong class of juniors. At 13 months old he is really starting to come together; everything is in the right place. He is of superb quality and very much the type and outline I appreciate. He had a well filled front, correct bone and super angulation throughout. He was a sound fluid mover. A lovely prospect. 

UGD (3)

1. Price’s Wheelspin Silver Shadow among Silkdance

2. Manners’ Penbriar Dark Secret at Mannerpool. 11 month old black dog whose coat shone with quality. One I have watched with interest and he is really beginning to look the part. Handsome head; with an alert expression. Good bone, super feet and pasterns. His outline is a series of gentle curves. Just a little more hind angulation than I like. He moved out with real style and accuracy. One for the future. 

GD (2,1)

1. Perkins’ Jasarat Jetsetter At Zeglynn Very attractive Fawn brindle dog of lovely size. He had good bone and feet, adequate front fill and shoulders. I would prefer a greater return of upper arm and spring of Pastern. Well bent stifles and low hocks. Good tuck up and just enough topline, which he held well on the move where he moved out ok. 

PGD (2)

1 Wilton-Clark’s Shalfleet Sir Tom JW ShCM

This brindle parti colour presents such a curvaceous outline; he is well balanced and of super size with just the right substance. He has such a beautiful head; synonymous with this kennel; good neck and shoulder and depth of chest. Excellent tuck up. He has perhaps a little more rear angulation than I would ideally like, however, he moves out so well and is sound and steady up and back; holding his topline. Shown and presented beautifully.

2. Leathart’s Ringmore Dalrymple. Such a classic whippet; he presents a lovely curvy outline; moderate angulation throughout. Super size, quality and without exaggeration. Couldn’t match the winner on the move. 

LD (1)

1 Webber’s Dark Wing

A well balanced black dog I have judged previously; and today I thought he looked the best I have seen him. An unmistakably whippet outline; a series of curves; adequate return of upper arm, good bone, front fill and shoulders. Well muscled rear quarters with well bent stifles. He moved soundly up and back and with enthusiasm in profile. 

OD Such a variety in type in this class; accuracy in movement being the deciding factor in my placings. 

1. Wood’s Ardencote Star Gazer. Quality fawn dog of ideal size and substance. He is lovely to go over; very smooth under the hand; beautiful coat and skin. A really shapely outline with corresponding curvy top and underlines. Well bent stifles and short hocks. He moved out so well; with accuracy and precision and with freedom of action in profile. RBD.

2. Lowe’s Shirotae Spring Promise At Ousebank. Handsome Red fawn dog I liked very much making for a difficult decision; he was another super sound mover. Slightly heavier all through than 1. But otherwise the same remarks apply to him. A lovely quality dog.

3. Lawrence’s Bryntreia First Glance ShCM 

VB (8,1) I loved judging this class of beautiful veterans; all a credit to their owners. It was headed by 2 beautiful brindles who were very alike with little to split them.

1. Mason’s Aphrael Casting Pearl. 8 year old bitch who is oh so elegant and feminine. She has such a beautiful outline; excellent return of upper arm, deep chest, and displaying that classic S shape. Lovely size, bone and strong shapely quarters. She moved out with a lovely free action in profile and with precision up and back. Presented in excellent muscle tone and with a beautiful jacket. 

2. Osborne’s Loroli Let’s Do It with Derohan. Another fabulous veteran; again in such super condition and not looking her age at all. All of the above comments apply to her. I just preferred the front of 1.

3. Lawrence’s Kierpark Memphis Belle with Bryntreia

MPB (3,1)

1. Johnson’s Cyangrange Serendipi Tea. 7 month old Fawn bitch of lovely type and quality; she was great for size. Adequate bone and just enough fill for her age. Very well laid back shoulders and good depth of chest. I would like to see a slightly more shapely topline and she tended to flatten on the move but she has time on her side for this to develop and strengthen. Moderate rear quarters which she used to her advantage on the move. She moved out well; particularly in profile with the desired daisy cutting action. Showed well all day; beaten in the challenge by a more together puppy.

2. Jones’ Kenaiteen Blizzard. Another very raw baby at 6 months old. This brindle and white parti was also of lovely size and overall shape. 

P (4,1)

1. Osborne’s Florancy Above and Beyond Derohan. 10 month old brindle bitch of super type. She has such a beautiful head; strong under jaw. Strong, elegant neck into lovely shoulders. Adequate return of upper arm, Good fill in front and depth of chest for her age. She had a correct gentle rise over her loin and curvy underline. Good bend of stifle, well muscled rear quarters and short hocks. All topped off with a beautiful coat. She really scored on movement; extremely sound coming and going and covered the ground effortlessly in profile, which gave her the edge over another lovely puppy. 

2. Ellis’ Railfield Rainnymph 9 month old Fawn of beautiful type and quality. Standing she looked an absolute picture; superb front angulation, depth of chest to elbow and a classic curvy outline. She moved out well in profile but couldn’t match the accuracy of 1 today. I’m sure they will swap places many times.

J (2) Brown’s Ardencote Sweet Destiny for Bluestreak. Just out of puppy but this fawn and white parti was looking very together; everything just where it should be. She is of ideal size, super for bone and another with lovely quality feet. Excellent fill and depth of chest. Smoothest of shoulders, flowing into a gentle rise over the loin and strong moderate quarters. She was absolutely foot perfect on the move; so very sound. A strong contender for best bitch. 

2. Carlton & Olney’s Chiendetom Overture. Lovely quality fawn presented in super condition with a coat like silk. She didn’t have quite the balance of outline of 1; being a little longer in loin. She moved out well.

YB (2)

Haggerty’s Moonfleur Whispering Grass

Fawn bitch who is taller than I ideally like but she was of a nice make and shape; with a very curvaceous outline. She has good bone, depth of chest, super tuck up and matching curvy topline. She moved out well; just a little too proud of her tail today. 

2. Kelly’s Martdia Dazzle and Daze. Brindle parti colour of better size than 1; but of a heavier type. She was a nice overall shape although I would like to see more bend of stifle, which in turn would create a more balanced shape. Presented in lovely order and moved out well.

MB (6,1)

1. Williamson & Grant’s Windfly One Perfect Day. This 2 year old black bitch is a shade bigger than ideal but is of such super type and quality. Good front assembly; return of upper arm, lay back of shoulder and spring of Pastern. Moderately angulated quarters. She was very sound coming and going; would liked to have seen her move out with more enthusiasm in profile but saw enough to win this class. 

2. Johnson’s Cyangrane Serendipi Tea

3. Fisher’s Kentixen Sweetheart

NB (6,2)

1. Hills’ Shimmeree Black Liberty. 15 month old black and white in the most stunning condition; her coat is like silk and she had ideal flat muscle. Super substance for her size, well filled front and correct bladed bone. Fabulously smooth shoulders, good depth of chest. Just the right amount of hind angulation. Covers the ground with ease both standing and on the move. Moves so soundly viewed from any angle. 

2. Fisher’s Kentixen Sweetheart. Another black but a size bigger than 1. She too was in beautiful condition. Elegant, classic in outline. Moving out well in profile, just a tad close behind. 

3. Williamson’s Windfly Onnerown

UGB (4,1)

1. Hills’ Shimmeree Black Liberty 

2. Leathart’s Ringmore Galatea. This fawn and white particolour was also of lovely size, quality and condition. She had good bone, and presented a super curvy outline. Just a touch more hind angulation than is my ideal. She was a sound and steady mover. 

3. Walker’s Jimanica Jade Star of Shoalingham

GB (2)

An extremely close decision between these two bitches; I preferred the slightly more curvy outline of 1 and the size of 2. 

1. Vaughan’s Shirotae Solo Surprise. Fawn bitch of undeniable quality with a beautiful head and pigment. She is so well constructed; with moderate but correct angulation. Lovely bladed bone, good front fill and depth of chest. She presents a classic whippet outline; curves in all the right places. She also impressed on the move; being light on her feet; reaching and driving with ease and ultra sound coming and going. 

2. Hills’ Shimmeree Black Liberty 

PGB (5,1)

1. Doherty & Van Der Schaaf’s Creme Anglaise La Colle Noir TAF. Really stylish red brindle bitch of correct size. Lovely quality and very nice to go over; absolutely no lumps and bumps; just a series of smooth curves. Very well angulated front, lovely front fill and depth to elbow. She excels on the move. She is such a show girl! Moving round the ring with perfect foot fall; really moving out from her shoulder and driving from her well muscled quarters. I was pleased to see she also moved very soundly coming and going. 

2. Hoare’s Tormor Manyclouds. This fawn bitch is of a very different type to 1 but also of lovely size and quality. Super feminine and elegant, good fill, correct substance, neat feet and adequate spring of pastern. Just preferred the upper arm and lay back of shoulder of 1. She was another good mover; sound and efficient. 

3. Webber’s Diamond Web

LB (5,1)

1. Silkridge Whispering Grass. What a beauty! She is the ideal combination of strength and elegance; something that is often hard to achieve. She is of absolutely ideal size, balance and beautiful quality. Pretty head; very kind expression. She is spot on for substance, well filled front and neat feet. Very good depth of chest, excellent tuck up and a graceful topline; with correct rise over the loin and gentle fall away. Good bend of stifle, short hocks. She excelled in profile movement; holding her topline at all times. She moves so correctly; reaching out from the shoulder and driving from her very well muscled rear quarters. This superior profile movement and, the icing on the cake, showmanship saw her take BB and ultimately BIS.

2. Mason’s Veredon Geeoer Gawpin At Aphrael. A very different type of bitch; a size bigger but she too was of lovely quality. Very curvaceous in outline, scored highly in front assembly. She moved out well. 

O (6)

1. Hills’ Shimmeree Black Satin. A black bitch I have judged and rewarded highly as a youngster. I’m pleased to say that having judged her again as a more mature bitch my opinion hasn’t changed. She is of such excellent quality and type; elegance personified. Moving even better now; incredibly sound and moves with a lovely daisy cutting action in profile. She is beautiful under the hand; smooth as silk and in perfect order. Shown to get the very best out of her. My RBB and RBIS.

2. Brown’s Ardencote Star Maker. Very close up to 1. A bitch I have often admired and she doesn’t disappoint on going over. Correct size and of the highest quality. She has lovely flat bone, perfect substance for her size. Smooth, well laid shoulders, decent return of upper arm. Lovely top and underline; making for a super outline. Presented in the highest order. Would just like to see slightly more spring of Pastern. 

June Cross Memorial Special Open

1. Doherty & Van der Schaaf’s Creme Anglaise La Colle de Noir TAF

2. Leathart’s Molvine Zoe. White and fawn bitch of lovely type and quality. Sound and stylish mover. Would prefer more strength of Pastern.