• Show Date: 20/09/2018
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Pam Blay Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Thame & Oxfordshire County Canine Society


My first time judging at the Thame & Oxfordshire County CS open show, a show I had heard some good things about & an appointment I was really looking forward to. Easy to find and plenty of parking near the rings & a horse show and stalls to look round in between judging, all made for an good day out. Unfortunately the weather was against us but luckily the Society had the facilities of in and out rings with shelter inside the marquee for dogs, people & their cages. Four rings on each side with two larger rings in the middle but unfortunately a lack of stewards did make it difficult for the show management to keep the show moving along at a good pace. Being mid-week I understand how difficult it is to get people to help.

Judged on the group system, I was lucky to have seven excellent group winners to go over. From these I chose for Best In Show Mrs Allchorne’s homebred Basset Hound, Nelgus Thyme Bomb JW, what a cracker, he is so sound on the move with excellent head carriage, he is so balanced with a masculine head & expression, excellent neck & shoulders, good topline & tailset, in excellent coat & condition with strong bone & lovely pouches. I had luckily had a chance to judge him very early in the day in the Open Stakes, so was thrilled to see that he had won through the breed & group to go under me again. I had no hesitation in choosing him for he is quality & has so much going for him. RBIS, Hazeltine, Crowther & Alcorn’s Hundwith Chortle with Hookwood, Weimaraner, I am always harder on the breeds I give CCs in but this young bitch has lots of potential. She is quality & so balanced, feminine head & expression, excellent neck & shoulders, strong topline held both set up & moving with a correctly carried & set tail, good depth of chest & good bone & feet, she showed her socks off in the windy conditions to win in such good company. BPIS, Caffel & Kavanagh’s Dobermann, Doberway Repeat After Me, thank you judges for sending through such quality youngster, there were lots that were exciting prospects but this bitch is definitely assured of her place in the future. Looking at her breeding I can now see why she appealed & shone out here, I loved her sire & she is following in his footsteps, handled to perfection, she is so very feminine with a pretty head & expression, well made neck & shoulders, strong topline held moving & set up, good depth of chest & put down in excellent muscular condition, in profile movement she held her head correctly & powered round the ring on well boned legs & feet. RBPIS, Bullis’ Min Smooth Dachshund, Amaffrey Goodgolly Ms Molly, only 8 months but such attitude, despite the wind, she just came in the ring & said I am here. Well made & balanced with enough daylight under her well constructed ribcage & keel, lovely head & expression with well carried ears & a good neck & topline, moved well & with purpose, showed with style to win her place.

STAKES – JUN (47) 1 Evans’ Paloduro Gold Dollar at Maddiecass, well developed Rottweiler male, very impressive on the stack & demanded attention on the move, masculine head with good width & an excellent expression, good neck & shoulders, well balanced, this quality young man was well muscled & in fit condition; 2 Holman’s Baromar Dubonet at Altina, I was really torn in this class, as both 1 & 2 had so much going for them. This cracking Pomeranan was put down in excellent coat & condition & despite the rain & wind showed his socks off, he has a lovely balanced head with well set & carried ears & a good eye, good neck & shoulders, good balance & top quality, he just strode round the ring as if he was 10 foot tall, such attitude had to be rewarded; 3 Benton’s Oakestelle Artemis, quality Smooth Collie. PG (41) 1 Franklin’s Haccasbrook Madam Gigi, f/br Whippet bitch who was well made & moved a treat, lovely type & managed to keep her shape both on the move & set up despite the dreadful condition, beautiful head & expression with good ears & an excellent neck & shoulder, well muscled & in good coat & condition; 2 Cherry’s Lynces Made In Heaven, silver gold Tibetan Terrier bitch, in excellent coat & condition, moved a treat, lovely head & expression, good body proportions, of a good size & balanced, well set tail & good topline held set up & moving, giving a lovely profile movement with correct head carriage; 3 Neasby’s Hawksflight Island Fox on Ulani, Miniature Pinscher. O (39) 1 Allchorne’s Nelgus Thyme Bomb, little did I know that at the end of the day this cracking Basset would top the lot & go BIS, I just loved him; 2 Holman & Graham’s Pomstyle Prada Infusion, yet another excellent Pomeranian bitch from these owners, again with excellent presentation, you need to tell me how you can present your dogs so well in such awful conditions, you are a credit to your breed. This quality bitch moved so well on correctly boned legs & feet, such a pretty expression with correctly carried & set ears, good neck & shoulders, lovely tailset giving the correct balance to her; 3 Funnell’s Powerpack Cherokee, Staffordshire Bull Terrier bitch. I took over Mr Milligan’s entries. BORDER COLLIES – P (1,1a).Y (1,1).L (0). O (4,2) 1 Follwell’s Moshanta Must Be Love at Janquillow, feminine bitch who moved correctly in profile with the correct head carriage & good forward propulsion, she is very balanced & kept a good topline & a well set tail, in lovely coat & condition, such a pretty head & expression with good ear carriage & a keen eye, good neck & shoulders, well boned legs & feet. BOB; 2 Mackay’s Weynoake Blazing Star at Tarabish, I preferred the type & movement of 1, this is a slightly heavier bitch but still retained her feminity, good head & expression & in full coat which was well presented, she showed well & moved OK but I think may have been unsettled by the weather. RBOB. LANCASHIRE HEELERS – P (0). Y (0) L (1) Bellinger’s Heelstone Genevive, balanced bitch of a lovely type, moved well looking particularly good in profile, lovely head & expression, in good coat & condition, well boned legs & feet, good neck & shoulders & kept a good topline set up & moving. RBOB. O (1) 1 Bellinger’s Limebrook’s Take A Chance On Me at Heelstone, liver & tan dog of a slightly different type, very mature in body, masculine head & expression, good neck & shoulders, well boned legs & feet, topline ok & well muscled hindquarters, he is balanced & moved well keeping good head carriage & tail. His maturity & outlook took him to BOB. IMPORT REGISTER - P (1) Hunter & Collins’ Grande Misterio Fairytale of Salatini, Russian Toy Terrier of just 6 months at her first show & I just fell for her. Even though she was alone, she could win anywhere, so very feminine with excellent ear carriage & a good topline & tail carriage, correct height to length, lovely head & expression, well set neck & shoulders, correct bone & feet & in good coat but when she moved, she was so very sound & nothing fazed her. She is quality & must have a good future. BP. Y (3,1) 1 Smithurst’s Arkosligeti Kocos Nekeresd, Hungarian Pumi dog who is still learning to use his ears! Good breed type & in full coat which was put down in excellent condition, balanced & good head & expression, good neck & shoulders, correct topline & tailset, moved well to win the class & RBOB; 2 Cunningham’s Yulyeong Warrior Princess, Korean Jindo, again good breed type & very balanced, still a bit loose in front & needs to tighten to complete the picture, in good coat & condition, he is well muscled & moved well in profile with good head carriage & a well set & carried tail. L (3,3). O (2) 1 Walker’s Nantiderri Dancing Daisy to Baikel, Korthals Griffon, who is so very typical, in excellent coat & condtion, she is well muscled all through with a lovely head & expression & well set & carried ears, good neck & forequarters, good length of body to a well set tail & strong hindquarters, moved well. BOB; 2 Parker’s Gavroche Des Plaines de la Mare Jouenne avec Kantilou, Basset Bleu de Gascogne dog, again a good type who is balanced, this boy moved so well, he was in excellent coat & condition, good masculine head & expression, lovely neck & shoulders, strong topline & well set tail, he is balanced & moved with drive & precision. BOB.