• Show Date: 28/12/2018
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Mervyn Evans Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Ashbourne & District Canine Society

Ashbourne & District Canine Societyr

28th December 2018

Best In Show, Best Puppy in Show , Best Veteran in Show

Best in Show Anderson’s Zentarr Osbourne (Lhasa Apso) A dog of some quality and good breed  type. Good well proportioned head and skull, nice dark eye, correct dentition , ears correctly placed with very good feathering  nicely arched neck and well laid shoulders good  straight forequarters. Strong sturdy well ribbed body, level top line, and high set and well carried tail and well feathered. Nicely angulated hindquarters and with good muscle tone. Moves well with a free, fluid unexaggerated action.


Res Best in Show Barney & Howatson’s Sh Ch Killary’s Grand Venture With Vanders And Romaunt Imp USA (Irish Red And White Setter)

 Beautiful male with  such a typical head, eye and expression, wonderful flow and symmetry of outline, correctly constructed front and rear assemblies, strong neck, firm top line, strong loin and couplings, well set croup, strong quarters with a good bend of stifle and well let down hocks, a perfectly set on and beautifully finished tail, excellent bone and feet, very stylish and ground covering action.

Best Puppy in Show Irving’s Twinan Tight Squeeze (Welsh Corgi Pembroke) A good size nice head and skull giving that foxy shape , well set medium size round eyes, correct ears type and set , good strong scissor bite , correct neck and forequarters well sprung ribs and level topline Low to ground and moved with lots of kick from the rear. A puppy in great condition with good bone and nice oval feet. She was very sound going around the ring and shown to perfection by her handler.

Res Best Puppy in Show Gourley & Leonard’s Witchstone Fancy A Flutter (English Toy Terrier) Super bitch, Ideal size,good proportioned head and skull good pigmentation, very dark small almond shaped eyes , candle flame shaped ears good size and correctly set, good clean dentition shapely body, short back ,correct colours and pencilling Moves very well, with the true extended trot using her tail on the move to advantage.

Best Veteran in Show Leech’s Ch Hibeck Scooby Doo With Soletrader ShCM (Basset Fauve De Bretagne) A quality dog with a beautiful strong masculine head With a dark eye, excellent outline and balance, super shoulder angulation, strong neck, good depth of chest and long ribbing, Strong muscular hindquarters with good bend of stifle, Well boned, tight feet ,correct tail carriage, harsh coat moved with great drive and enthusiasm Strode out so well. Shown in hard condition and well handled.

Res Best Veteran in Show Henshall’s Ch Gemolli Joie De Vivre Jw ShCM (Italian Greyhound)

Elegant grace full with beautiful flowing curves and her skin was soft and fine.good head and skull, large bright eyes nice rose shaped ears and correct scissor bite , good long arched neck with good depth of chest nice hare type feet  Movement was a joy to watch as from the side as she demonstrated ‘high stepping and free and from behind she was driving off her well let down hocks.

Judge Mr T.M Evans