• Show Date: 22/09/2018
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Martyn J Rees Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Cornwall Gundog Club

I should like to extend my sincere thanks to the Officers and Committee for inviting me to judge at this wonderful show.  It was a very enjoyable day and I very much appreciated the opportunity of this appointment to assess some lovely dogs.  

I was very pleased with the overall quality of the exhibits today especially my top winners, although many of the exhibits in the individual breed classes had nails that were far too long, which in turn spoils the shape of the feet.

The welcome and hospitality extended to me throughout the entire day was exemplary and I sincerely thank everyone for making this a very special day for me.

AV Gundog Special Veteran Dog (7-9 Years) (4)

1ST Osman, M, Wilchimane Diamond Geezer At Marissolo ShCM (Pointer): Dog of 8 years and a credit to his owner, nice size and balanced with pleasing outline. Correct head into clean neck and well placed shoulders, deep chest, strong hindquarters without any exaggeration, correct, clean and complete dentition, good quality bone throughout, tight feet with short nails, well muscled all through, one the move he moved well with drive from the rear and everything flowing – for me he showed a slightly high front action.

2ND Marmol, Mr & Mrs, Polmennor Fun In The Sun (Irish Setter): Upstanding dog of 8½ years in super condition and well-presented coat. Lovely expression and head, complete, clean and correct dentition, good forehand assembly, deep chest, strong loin, well muscled hindquarters, moved well and accurate both fore and aft, tight feet and short nails.

3RD Edworthy, M, SH CH Maycourt Chase The Sun (Curly-Coated Retriever)

AV Gundog Special Veteran Bitch (7-9 Years) (10-4abs)

1ST Palfrey, L & T, Flushpoint Whata Accident At Melanitta (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever): Very feminine bitch of 8 years in lovely hard condition and in good coat, pleasing head and eye, correct ear carriage, complete, clean and correct dentition, strong and clean neck into well placed shoulder, good depth of chest and spring of rib, strong loin, muscled hindquarters with moderate turn of stifle, tight, neat feet, moved out very well.

2ND Davey, P & E, Southridge Precious Token (Labrador Retriever): 9 year old bitch presented in very good condition with lovely bone and tight feet, good head and strong muzzle, correct, clean and complete dentition, good width and depth of chest, strong hindquarters, I was disappointed with her movement, which whilst sound could have been moved more freely by her handler.

3RD Morgan, C, Redaurora Comet’s Christmas Of Deltandamba (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever)

AV Gundog Special Veteran (10 Years and over) (5-1abs)

1ST Nicoll, D, C & S, Ambelight Suhail At Antreth (Welsh Springer Spaniel): A dog of 10 years of age presented in lovely condition well muscled, pleasing head and expression, correct, clean and complete dentition, clean neck into well placed shoulder, deep chest, strong hindquarters with moderate and unexaggerated turn of stifle, in good coat and moved very well.

2ND McLean, M, Carnmarth Conquest (English Springer Spaniel): Another dog of 10 years of age. Presented in lovely condition, very good head and expression, correct, clean and complete dentition, well muscled all through and with quality bone, good neck into correct forehand assembly, strong loin and hindquarters, moved out well with drive from the rear.

3RD Blackford, S, Amblelight Parhelia (Welsh Springer Spaniel)

Welsh Springer Spaniel (Bitches) Graduate (4)

1ST Lampersgerger, K, Benover Playing For Keeps To Kurzeja: A 2½ bitch who presented a lovely picture and outline when standing. Lovely head and the kindest of expressions, correct, clean and complete dentition, clean neck into well placed shoulder, deep brisket and good spring of rib, good bone all through, moved very well and accurately, today she was not in her full coat.

2ND Mcllwaine, A & V Reynolds, Benover Can’s Buy Me Love: Puppy bitch of just 6 months, lovely outline, correct head with skull of proportionate length, correct, clean and complete dentition, good reach of neck that was clean in throat, well placed shoulder and return of upper arm, balanced and proportionate body, hocks well let down, moved very well.

3RD Best, J, Amblelight Ophelia.

Welsh Springer Spaniel (Bitches) Limit (2)

1ST Mcllwaine, A & V Reynolds, Benover Galway Girl: At just 8 months of age, I thought this young bitch to have everything I look for in this breed – she just needs time. She was both elegant and impressive both standing and on the move. Lovely head of correctly proportionate length, softest of expressions, ears set moderately low, correct clean and complete dentition with a scissor bite, well placed shoulder with corresponding return of upper arm, body proportionate and in balance to length of leg, tight neat feet, on the move she showed power coupled with a ground covering action. Above all, she has attitude and a superb ring presence. It was my pleasure to award her Reserve Best Bitch, Best Puppy Bitch, Best Puppy In Breed and Reserve Best Puppy In Show, all of which were extremely well deserved.

2ND Attwood, B & K, Kylowen Demelza: A 3 year old bitch of the type that I was looking for but sadly appeared to be carrying a little too much weight coupled with the fact that despite her handlers best efforts would have rather been anywhere else apart from in the show ring where she just did not put her heart into the job in hand. She has a lovely head and expression, correct, clean and complete dentition, muscular but lean neck into correct forehand assembly, well sprung ribs, muscular loin, and strong hindquarters with moderate turn of stifle and in good coat. She moved accurately but lacked drive and enthusiasm.

Welsh Springer Spaniel (Bitches) Open (3)

1ST Lampersgerger, K, Benover Field Of Dreams To Kurzeja: Very pleasing bitch of 3 years of age who won this strong class with 2 very nice bitches; Excellent head and expression, correct, clean and complete dentition, well placed shoulder and return of upper arm, deep brisket with elbows tight to brisket, strong muscular body, good bone and tight round feet. Moved very well, showing drive from rear and accurate movement both fore, aft and in side profile. I was very pleased to award her Best Bitch and with my co-judges complete agreement Best Of Breed.

2ND Attwood, B & K, IR Ch Moorash Lady Ygraine Of Kylowen ShCM: An 8 year old bitch who’s age is not apparent unless one enquires as to her age. Many of the same comments apply, as with winner of this class but my deciding factor was that this bitch was slightly longer on the leg than my first placed bitch. She is proportionate with no exaggerations. Her head is correct with chiselling below the eyes and correct ear carriage, dentition was correct, clean and complete. Strong and clean neck into well-placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm, well spring ribs, muscular loin, and strong hindquarters and moved very well. My Pleasure to Award her Reserve Best Veteran in Show.

3RD Blackford, S, Amblelight Sunglow

Italian Spinone – Open (3-1abs)

1ST Smith, L & McVittie, L, Sh Ch Jaylynne Fabrizio ShCM: A lovely quality dog of 5 years of age. This dog showed excellent breed quality and type for me. Head correct with oval skull, deep muzzle, correct mouth with complete and clean dentition, good shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm, straight forelegs, broad and deep chest, strong hindquarters, moved very well. Best Of Breed.

2ND Kruglow, P, Amberellie Adrianna: A 5 year old bitch of very good breed type and excellent proportions and bone throughout. Good head with clear divergent head planes, deep muzzle and kind expression. Correct mouth with clean and complete dentition, powerful neck, good shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm, correct topline rising gently to broad loin, good bend of stifle, moved very well but a little close behind. Reserve Best Of Breed.

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever – Graduate (4)

1ST Palfrey, L & T, Flushpoint Whata Accident At Melanitta. Reserve Best Of Breed

2ND Vaughan, J, Katimba Malvasia Of Valsannra: At just 10 months of age, I thought this young dog to be very smart and unexaggerated in any way. Clean skull, flat cheeks, correct, clean and complete dentition, medium neck into well made forequarters, short back, stifles well bent, round tight feet, moved very well. Best Puppy In Breed

3RD Hughes, S, Eusanit Gemstone At Abacot.

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever – Open (5)

1ST Morgan, C, Erikachen O’Ruadh For Deltandamba JW ShCM: Absolutely loved this young 3 year male of very good quality and type. I thought him to be workmanlike all through and totally free from exaggeration. He was presented in very good hard condition. Very good wedge-shaped head that whilst broad is slightly rounded, correctly placed ears, strong medium length neck into well placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm, deep chest with elbows onto brisket, well sprung ribs, strong loin and well developed hindquarters. He moved very well showing drive from the rear and maintained accurate movement in all profiles. My pleasure to award him Best Of Breed and Group 3 in my Best In Show line-up, which was very well deserved – my only minor criticism is that his handler doesn’t always stack him to his best advantage.

2ND Vaughan, J, Born To Run For Vlsannra: A 4½ year old male who was well up to size for me but so very sound and well balanced all through. Pleasing head of breed type, correct, clean and complete dentition, very good shoulder placement, deep chest with elbows tight to brisket, well made hindquarters, his feet could have been tighter moved very well.

3RD Palfrey, L & T, Foxdown Bertie Allsorts ShCM

German Wire-Haired Pointer – Open (2)

1ST Harries, S, Dregheda If I Were Single: A 5 year old bitch of pleasing type with a balanced head that is proportionate to body. Correct, clean and complete dentition, very good forehand assembly with sloping shoulders, deep chest with elbows close to body, excellent bone, good quality harsh coat, tight feet with short nails, moved very well. Best Of Breed

2ND Harries, S, Myrna Loy: Daughter to my class winner and of very good type didnt move as well as class winner due to the distraction of her Mother being shown at the same time! Again, balanced head, correct, clean and complete dentition, strong neck into well placed shoulders, deep chest strong loin, just let herself down on the move. Reserve Best of Breed.

German Short-Haired Pointer – Open (4)

1ST Jones, L, Barleyarch Fairplay: A 2 year old bitch of extremely pleasing type good clean cut head well proportioned to body, medium sized eye and soft expression, correct, clean and complete dentition, clean neck into well placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm, deep chest with elbows laid back, level topline, broad and powerful hindquarters, moved very well but disappointingly, her nails were extremely long and unkempt, which then spoilt the shape of the feet. Best Of Breed.

2ND Sanders, R & D, Alcazar Amano: At just 14 months I really liked this young dogs overall type and appearance. He presented a very nice outline as is so well balanced. Excellent head, correct, clean and complete dentition, clean muscular neck into well placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm, deep chest well sprung good bone, deep chest, strong muscular loin, stifles well bent, good bone all through, tight compact feet. He was absolutely sound and true when moving but unfortunately I feel that his handler was perhaps a novice and didn’t get anything close to the best out of him but again, I really loved this dogs type and balance. Reserve Best Of Breed.

3RD Tamblyn, S, Winterwell Saucebox.

Field Spaniel – Open (2-1abs)

1ST Porter J, Prussia Best Kept Secret Of Winsbrook: A 4 year old male of working type strong head and strong muzzle with flews that were slightly too pendulaous, correct, clean and complete dentition, clean strong neck into well placed shoulders deep chest strong hindquarters moved well. Best Of Breed.

Curly-Coated Retriever – Graduate (1):

1ST Edworthy, M, Maycourt Cadillac: A male of 2 years of age, I loved this dogs overall type and presence. Very typical wedge-shaped head, correct, clean and complete dentition, oval dark eye, strong neck into well placed shoulders and deep chest with well sprung ribs, moderate turn of stifle, good coat texture moved well but at times failed to get fully into his stride, which then affected his hind movement. Best Of Breed.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever – Open (1)

1ST Murch, L, Shesepi Utica: A 2 year old bitch of good type, correct, clean and complete dentition, strong neck slightly upright in shoulder, strong pasterns deep chest moderate turn of stifle moved well but nails could be a lot shorter and coat was of poor quality. Best Of Breed.

Spanish Water Dog – Open (1)

1ST Sweet, T & J, Bondadosa Beach ShCM: A 5 year old male very good breed type quality. Lovely strong elegant, correct, clean and complete dentition, well placed shoulder, deep chest moderate turn of stifle correct body to height proportions, his excellent construction really came to the fore when he moved, which was both brisk and very sound. Best Of Breed and I was pleased to award him Group 4 in my Best In Show line up.

American Cocker Spaniel – Open (1)

1ST Sheppard, V, Buballoo’s Mr Bean At Shadowview: At just 22 months dog was of very with a good well developed and rounded head, correct, clean and complete dentition, long muscular neck into well placed shoulders, deep chest with deep ribs, strong hindquarters, presented beautifully, moved very well. Best Of Breed.

English Springer Spaniel – Graduate (3-1abs)

1ST Merrick, J, J & J, Tiverstone Statesman At Stormerick: This for me was one of my ‘finds’ of the day. A dog of 9 months of age. Presented an elegant, stunning, clean and balanced outline. Excellent breed type, skull of medium length and correctly proportioned, correct, clean and complete dentition, soft expression, ears set moderately low, excellent layback of shoulder with corresponding return of upper arm, body balanced and proportionate, the tightest of feet with short nails, on the move he showed a ground covering action. He could not be denied his Best Of Breed and Best Puppy In Breed award and it was my pleasure to award him Best Puppy In Show, which was a thoroughly deserved accolade. 

2ND McLean, M, Teignvalley Tula At Carnmarth: A 3 year old bitch, good overall type but carrying just a little bit too much weight for me. Pleasing head and expression, correct, clean and complete dentition and bite, good forehand assembly, deep chest, strong hindquarters, moved well.

English Springer Spaniel – Open Dog (3-2abs)

1ST McLean, M, Carnmarth Conquest

English Springer Spaniel – Open Bitch (2-1abs)

1ST Kibby, J, Tiverstone Ladys Delight: At just 9 months this bitch, litter sister to my Best Of Breed winner who possesses so many of tha same qualities and attributes. This bitch has a very feminine head and melting expression, correct clean and complete dentition with a scissor bite, clean neck into very well placed shoulder with corresponding return of upper arm deep brisket, strong hindquarters, moved very well. I am convinced that this young lady will have a very bright future. Reserve Best Of Breed and Best Opposite Sex.

Pointer – Graduate (3)

1ST Osman, M, Fleurfield Firethorn At Marissolo: 17 months male lovely flowing outline, pleasing good overall quality – still immature with much developing still to come. Very good head and skull. Dentition correct, clean and complete, muscular and slightly arched neck. Well-placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm. Muscular hindquarters, well turned stifles and hocks well let down, coat short and hard. Smooth movement covering plenty of ground with driving hind action. His front action was a little high for me. Best Of Breed.

2ND Phillips, C & J, Waterton Remember Me: Bitch of 11 months of age. Correct and typical breed head. Dentition correct, clean and complete, Eyes correctly placed. Very good clean neck. Good forehand assembly. Well balanced throughout and without exaggeration. Deep chest, short-coupled. Moved well. Reserve Best Of Breed.

Weimaraner – Graduate (4-1abs)

1ST Danneau, L, Orbit The Moon At AAranz Von Silberweiss Jager (IMP): Male of 9 months of age, very well balanced, lovely head, moderately long with moderate stop, medium sized eye, strong jaws, correct, clean and complete dentition, strong clean-cut neck into well placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm, deep chest level back, slightly sloping croup, strong but moderately angulated hindquarters. Moved accurately and smoothly both fore, aft and in profile. Best Puppy In Breed.

2ND Kerslake, J & D, Kuantan Cosworth: A male of just 15 months of age. Up to size and needs to drop into himself, good head with correct, clean and complete dentition, strong neck into well placed shoulder, deep chest with well sprung ribs, moderately angulated hindquarters, quality bone throughout, firm and compact feet moved very well – slightly longer cast than my first placed dog.

3RD Goord, K, Indeski Reagan

Weimaraner – Open (3)

1ST Danneu, L, Weipowa Pheonix At AAranz JW ShSM (AI): Presented a very clean and balanced outline. Pleasing head, not coarse in any way, correct, clean and complete dentition with very tight scissor bite. Strong neck into well placed shoulders deep chest well sprung ribs, well developed musculature on hindquarters, Moved accurately and smoothly both fore, aft and in profile whenever asked. Best Of Breed.

2ND Kerslake, D, Rutilus Who Knew: Larger in overall proportions than my than first placed dog but still balanced and free from exaggeration. Good head of moderate length, correct, clean and complete dentition, strong neck well placed shoulders deep chest level back – didn’t have the smoothness and accuracy of my class winner on the move. Reserve Best Of Breed. 

3RD Goord, K, Indeski Reagan

Hungarian Vizsla – Open (1)

1ST Parlett, M & D, Gyomberbarat Summer Breeze: A bitch of 3 years of age and of pleasing type. Super clean outline and well balanced, free from exaggeration. Lovely head and expression. Correct, clean and complete dentition, Good length of neck leading to well laid back shoulder and corresponding length of upper arm. Well-ribbed back. Good bend of stifle. Moved well both fore and aft and in profile. Best Of Breed.

Hungarian Wire-Haired Vizsla – Graduate (3)

1ST Aldridge, Y, Gwaithmaes Aoife: An 11 month old bitch, very well balanced with an excellent head, moderately broad and lively expression. Correct, clean and complete dentition, clean well muscled neck, well placed shoulder with corresponding return of upper arm, elbows close to body, deep chest, level back, strong hindquarters with moderate angulation. Harsh close fitting coat, moved very well. Best Of Breed and Best Puppy In Breed and my pleasure to award her Puppy Group 3 in Best Puppy In Show line up. 

2ND Newman, W & S, Lanokk Aurelia: A 4 year old bitch, very well made all through and extremely well balanced, totally free from exaggeration, pleasing head and eye, correct, clean and complete dentition, good forehand assembly, well sprung ribs, muscled hindquarters, lacked the correct coat texture that I was looking for moved well.

3RD Aldridge, Y, Gwaithmaes Divine Design

Hungarian Wire-Haired Vizsla – Open (3-1abs)

1ST Newman, W & S, Lanokk Violeska: Very balanced bitch all through, good head and expression, correct, clean and complete dentition, strong neck of moderate length leading into well placed shoulders deep chest, strong hindquarters, good bone all through, coat texture good, slightly arched but tight feet and moved well. Reserve Best Of Breed.

2ND Aldridge, Y, Ginger Lillie Around Oakberrow: An 8 year old bitch of pleasing overall type and an absolute credit to her owner. Presented in lovely condition, fit with very good musculature. Excellent head with correct, clean and complete dentition, strong slightly arched neck into well placed shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm, strong and proportionate body, level back, deep chest, moderately angulated hindquarters moved well. My absolute pleasure to award her Best Veteran In Show – very well deserved.

Import Register Open (1)

1ST Baker, C, Achouffe Smokey Diamond: (Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer) a truly lovely bitch of just 12 months of age. From the moment I saw her I was impressed and never disappointed. Absolutely true to breed type, with a lovely distinguished in appearance, head of rectangular profile with marked rise over the eyes and moderate stop. Long ears correctly set below the level of the eye. Correct, clean and complete dentition, well-muscled neck into very well placed shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm, correct body ratio proportions and well developed and prominent forechest. Well-angulated and muscled hindquarters, quality bone all through. Moved very well, both fore, aft and in side profile.

AV Gundog – Open – Shirley Crisp Memorial Stakes (15-8abs)

1ST Danneu, L, Weipowa Pheonix At AAranz JW ShSM (AI) (Weimaraner) 

2ND Morgan, C, Erikachen O’Ruadh For Deltandamba JW ShCM (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever)

3RD Sweet, T & J, Bondadosa Beach ShCM (Spanish Water Dog)

4TH Meaker, R & P, Meakwood Precious Pearl (Cocker Spaniel)

AV Gundog – Minor Puppy (4-2abs)

1ST Hoban, M & A, Meadowleigh Black In Style: (Labrador Retriever): I thought this bitch to be very typical in the type that I look for. A young bitch of 10 months and of yellow colour, absolutely beautifully balanced in all areas, short coupled, excellent bone all through, tightest of feet, broad skull and defined stop muzzle of sufficient length to balance with head, scissor bite with correct mouth and clean and complete dentition, clean neck into well placed shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm, chest of very good depth and width, strong hindquarters, moved very well. 

2ND Narramore, Mr & Mrs, Bryongem Braved Lad (Golden Retriever): A young dog of pleasing type completely spoilt by being grossly over-weight to the extent that the poor young lad wanted to sit at every opportunity. Good head with dark eye, correct, clean and complete dentition, slightly upright in shoulder and longer coupled than would be my preference, movement difficult to assess due to rolling action due to being over-weight.

AV Gundog – Puppy (6-3abs)

1ST Kibby, J, Tiverstone Ladys Delight (English Springer Spaniel)

2ND Smith, S Meakwood East N Rose (Cocker Spaniel): Very smart and well-balanced bitch of just 11 months of age. Merry nature with tail wagging, pleasing head, expression and eye, ears set low, correct, clean and complete dentition, neck set neatly into well placed shoulders, compact body and well rounded hindquarters, nice feet, moved very well. 

3RD Kennett, D & S, Magnavalleys Man On The Moon (Labrador Retriever)

AV Gundog – Junior (7-3abs)

1ST Clunie, K, Warrentor Caipirinha (Golden Retriever): A bitch of 15 months. Extremely well balanced with excellent bone all through. Workmanlike all through and totally free from exaggeration – she gave me the impression on first looking at her and after going over her that she could easily do a day’s work in the field. Very good head with desired chiselling, soft expression, strong jaws, correct, clean and complete dentition, very good layback of shoulder with corresponding return of upper arm. Well-ribbed leading to strong loin and well-muscled hindquarters. In excellent coat and condition with quality tight feet and short nails. On the move she was accurate both fore and aft with an excellent side profile and moving with drive from her rear quarters.

2ND Osman, Osman, M, Fleurfield Firethorn At Marissolo (Pointer)

3RD Smyth, A, Kadaka Kissagram (Golden Retriever)

4TH Kerslake, J & D, Kuantan Cosworth (Weimaraner)

AV Gundog Bred By Exhibitor – Open (6)

1ST Clunie, K, Warrentor Caipirinha (Golden Retriever)

2ND Meaker, R & P, Meakwood Precious Pearl (Cocker Spaniel): Very pleasing type of bitch presented in absolutely lovely condition. Well balanced and not over-done in any way. Lovely head and expression, correct, clean and complete dentition, moderate neck into well placed shoulders, strong and compact body into well rounded hindquarters. Good bone all through. Neat tight feet with short nails. Moved very well.

3RD McLean, M Carnmarth Conquest (English Springer Spaniel)

4TH Harries, S, Dregheda If I Were Single (German Wire-Haired Pointer)

AV Gundog Not Bred By Exhibitor – Open (8-1abs)

1ST Harries, S, Myrna Loy (German Wire-Haired Pointer)

2ND Ratcliff, L, Withiflor Blubeau (Cocker Spaniel): A 6 year old bitch. Presented a very pleasing picture. Very smart and well balanced and compact. Pleasing head, expression and eye, ears set low, correct, clean and complete dentition, neck set neatly into well placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm, compact body and well rounded hindquarters and good bend of stifle, nice feet, moved very well.  

3RD McLean, M, Teignvalley Tula At Carnmarth (English Springer Spaniel)

4TH Coleman, S, Devacott Rose Creek (Irish Setter)

AV Gundog Confined To Cornwall – Open (6-4abs)

1ST McLean, M, Teignvalley Tula At Carnmarth (English Springer Spaniel)

2ND Disney, P & Whiting L, SH CH Winglepong Wills Faramir (Large Munsterlander): 3½ year old substantial male, pleasing head and expression, strong neck into shoulders that were too upright, deep chest, strong hindquarters – on the move he pinned in front and was out at the elbows and his tail carriage totally detracted from his profile. For me, he lacked the refinement that I would look for in a Large Munsterlander.

AV Gundog – Brace OR Team (5-1abs)

1ST Hughes, S, Eusanit Genstone At Abacot & Eusanit Cut And Run At Abacot (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers)

2ND Harries, S, Dregheda If I Were Single & Myrna Loy (German Wire-Haired Pointers)

3RD McLean, M, Carnmarth Conquest & Teignvalley Tula At Carnmarth (English Springer Spaniels)

4TH Disney, P & Whiting L, SH CH Wonglepong Wills Faramir & Wonglepong Willow Sunbird (Large Munsterlanders)

AV Gundog Special Champion (2)

1ST Attwood, B & K, IR CH Moorash Lady Ygraine Of Kylowen ShCM (Welsh Springer Spaniel)

AV Gundog – Show Certificate Of Merit (3-1abs)

1ST Sheppard, V, Almondsbury Flamboyant At Shadowview (American Cocker Spaniel): 8½ year old dog, presented in good condition and bestowing his age. Pleasing head and expression, correct, clean and complete dentition, well made forequarters, deep chest good spring of rib, strong hindquarters, moved well.

2ND Palfrey, L & T, Foxdown Bertie Allsorts ShCM (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever)

AV Gundog – Good Citizen (11-7abs)

1ST Kibby, J, Tiverstone Ladys Delight (English Springer Spaniel)

2ND Hosking, W & P, Trewinnard Oystercatcher (Labrador Retriever): A Bitch of 18 months of age. Of very good overall type. She is balanced and has good bone all through, good head and expression her mouth is correct with complete clean and correct dentition and a scissor bite, strong neck into well-placed shoulder, deep chest and strong hindquarters. Moved well.

3RD Harries, S, Dregheda If I Were Single (German Wire-Haired Pointer)

 4TH Ratcliff, L, Withiflor Blubeau (Cocker Spaniel)

AV Gundog – Special Working Gundog (4-1abs)

1ST Trotter, M & I, Lussac Vill I Am JW (Flatcoated Retriever): A 2½ year old dog who as he entered the ring had that extra ‘something’ in his attitude and ring presence. Standing he has everything that I look for in this breed, character, balance, type and workmanlike all through and totally free from exaggeration. Medium sized dog, excellent head, eye and expression, correct, clean and complete dentition, strong neck leading into extremely well placed shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm, deep chest, well sprung ribs and correct rib:loin proportions, strong hindquarters, which allowed him to move accurately both fore and aft and demonstrated a superb side profile. He was very well presented on the day – if I were to be critical, his handler should learn to stop ‘fiddling’ with him whilst he is standing. It was my absolute pleasure to later ward him Reserve Best In Show, which he thoroughly deserved on the day.

2ND Newman, W & S, Lanokk Aurelia (Hungarian Wire Haired Vizsla)

3RD Kennet, D & S, Magnavalleys Paint It Black (Labrador Retriever)

BEST IN SHOW: Fenn, D, Chalksville Barregarrow At Jandeburn JW (Golden Retriever): Dog of 2½ years of age. Lovely balanced and chiselled head, powerful muzzle, black nose with set level with eyes, correct, clean and complete dentition, clean muscular neck into well placed shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm, elbows close fitting to brisket, deep chest, short loin and level topline, strong hindquarters with well developed second thigh, tight round feet, very well muscled all through with quality bone. Straight and true on the move and showing drive from the rear. Quite simply, this dog just kept on showing and could not be denied on the day – my absolute pleasure to award him Best In Show.

RESERVE BEST IN SHOW: Trotter, M & I, Lussac Vill I An JW (Flatcoated Retriever)

GROUP 3: Morgan, C, Erikachen O’Ruadh For Deltandamba JW ShCM (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever)

GROUP 4: Sweet, T & J, Bondadosa Beach ShCM (Spanish Water Dog)

BEST PUPPY IN SHOW: Merrick, J, J & J, Tiverstone Statesman At Stormerick (English Springer Spaniel)

RESERVE BEST PUPPY IN SHOW: Mcllwaine, A & V Reynolds, Benover Galway Girl (Welsh Springer Spaniel)

GROUP 3: Aldridge, Y, Gwaithmaes Aoife (Hungarian Wire Haired Vizsla)

GROUP 4: Kent, L, Trewinnard Tamar (Labrador Retriever): I thought this bitch to be very typical in the type that I look for. A young bitch of just 6 months of age. Beautifully balanced in all areas, short coupled, excellent bone all through, tightest of feet, broad skull and defined stop muzzle of sufficient length to balance with head, scissor bite with correct mouth and clean and complete dentition, clean neck into well placed shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm, good depth and width to chest, strong hindquarters and good turn of stifle, classic ‘otter’ tail. Feet that are round and compact with short nails. Moved extremely well when asked, accurate fore and aft and in side profile. 

BEST VETERAN IN SHOW: Aldridge, Y, Ginger Lillie Around Oakberrow (Hungarian Wire Haired Vizsla)

RESERVE BEST VETERAN IN SHOW: Attwood, B & K, IR CH Moorash Lady Ygraine Of Kylowen ShCM (Welsh S S)

Martyn J Rees (Judge)