• Show Date: 25/02/2018
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Keeley Newman-Jones Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Billingham Synthonia Canine Society

Billingham Synthonia Canine Club – 25th February 2018

English Springer Spaniel J (2,0) 1st Calvert’s Calvdale Hot Mamma 13mth  bitch 2nd O’Connor’s Calvdale Night on the Town with Karlejay 13mths dog – 2 very nice young ESS brother and sister Both full of breed quality with good heads of correct proportions.  Good eyes both with gentle expressions.  Front and rear angulation very balanced for youngsters. Both in lovely coats. Separating them was purely on movement, the dog was just a little looser and more erratic.  Sure they will both have good futures. PG (1,0) 1st Calvert’s Beresford Night Spell 12mth b/w bitch – just one week out of puppy.  Lovely head with slightly domed skull and correct proportions. Balanced body although still has plenty of maturing to come, on the move very erratic and paced occasionally needed to settle. O (1,1) 1st Calvert’s Calvdale Heritage of Folly JW 16mth l/w bitch.  Everything to like about her, beautifully balanced front and rear, with lovely shoulder angulation, good length of upper arm and good turn of stifle.  Lovely head. Ribs well back, strong in the loin.  Fabulous feet and in lovely coat. Everything came together on the move  BOB Golden Retriever P 1st Mackenzie’s Leynosk Top N Take That 7mth d – super balanced puppy for one so young.  Nice bone and substance, good shoulder and rear angulation.  Broad in the head but not coarse, well chiselled, correct bite.  Nice tight feet and in very good coat condition.  His chest needs to fully drop but has plenty of time, I would also prefer him to be slightly shorter coupled but very much a lovely puppy.  BP and PG3 2nd Foster’s Mockingjay vd Corner Brook to Auristela (Imp NLD) 8 mth b J (3,0) 1st Trotter’s Baricia Let it Shine 12mth d Just out of puppy but already maturing very well.  Beautifully balanced stood and on the move.  Lovely bone and in fantastic coat.  Broad head, no doubting a male but no coarseness, dark eye with lovely gentle expression.  Good front and rear angulation, shoulders well laid back.  Good ribs, well back and short coupled.  Very balanced on the move, should have a very bright future. 2nd Mackenzie’s Leynosk Top N Take PG 1st Robinson’s Lamancha Keep the Faith 20mth d Caught my eye as he came in and he did not disappoint.  He was in a very strong class.  Lovely bone and substance, dark eye complimenting his head, broad but not coarse with nice chiselling. Good length of upper arm leading to well laid back shoulder blades.  Chest well down, elbows tight and close.  Tight feet.  Ribs well back, short coupled and strong over the loin.  Good turn of stifle, well muscled thighs.  On the move was light on his feet, had front reach and good rear driving action.  Coat in beautiful condition and just completed the picture.  Could not deny him BOB and in a strong group very pleased to award G1, well done.  2nd Trotter’s Barcia Let it Shine L (4,0) 1st Robinson’s Lamancha Keep the Faith 2nd Gerhold’s Jaymardy Indigo Pacific JW d another nice dog, unlucky to come against 1st.  Similar qualities but preferred the balanced movement on 1st. O (5,1) 1st Gerhold’s Ramchaine Fabulicious JW SHCM 4yr d  Another lovely male very well balanced front and rear angulation, well sprung ribs, short coupled.  Chest deep. Well off for bone.  Dark eye, broad but not coarse head, dark eye.  On the move balanced with good rear drive 2nd Thurm’s Beldonburn Fairplay ShCM an amazing veteran with very similar qualities to the winner, moved very well but just a little closer behind. Labrador Retriever PG (3,0) 1st Roberts Stormrose Sweet Memories 2yr yellow b – she was certainly enjoying her day out, well handled to get the best from her. The most feminine of the class, well balanced stood and on the move, driving well from the rear. Broad head but still feminine, lovely dark eye, well defined stop and soft expression.  In good coat and condition.  Well laid shoulders, deep chest, short coupling and strong in the loin 2nd Bradley and Cook’s Millroseglen Bona Fide 3yr d – although a dog, much heavier set than the winner and just not as balanced on the move.  Good well laid shoulders and length of upper arm, short coupled, moderate turn of stifle.  Dark eye, broad head and soft expression.  Well defined stop. O (2,0) 1st Roberts Stormrose Golden Fortune JW ShCM 4yr yellow d – one I judged as a pup and he has matured very well. All male, broad in the head, dark eye, well defined stop.  Chest well down, lovely bone and substance.  Short coupled and strong in the loin.  Well laid shoulders.  I would prefer a little more rear angulation.  Moved well but had a tendency to be a little wide at the rear but earned his BOB. 2nd Bradley and Cook’s Millroseglen Bona Fide Cocker Spaniel P (1,0) 1st Rainey’s Coleela Red Admiral 9mth golden d – super puppy, everything right for his age. Lovely head, low set ear, wide muzzled, dark eye and distinct stop.  Silky coat in good condition.  Strong in body, short coupled and very good stifle.  Correct topline held well on the move, he had a lovely balanced stride.  Should have a good future. BP and PG2  J (4,0) 1st Peterson’s Cassom Moonbeam 12mth b – Very well put together youngster, balanced in every way, excellent shoulders and front construction, well sprung ribs, well back, short coupled, strong loin leading to a good stifle and rear angulation.  Silky coat, in very good condition.  Her head is beautiful, well defined stop, square muzzled, just the correct amount of chiselling.  Moved with purpose covering the ground with every stride. Up against quality in the other classes but earned her BOB but just missed out on maturity in the group. 2nd Burton’s Dreamist Forevermore Another young bitch just out of puppy, not the balance of the winner. PG (3,0) 1st Scott’s Lujesa Dark Diamond at Anjspan 22mth black b – Very feminine smaller stature bitch.  Good shoulder angulation, ribs well back and strong loin.  Extremely good rear angulation which she used for driving on the move.  Square muzzled, dark eye and silky coat. 2nd Rainey’s Kisscan in it to win it 3yr b – an older bitch but did not quite look as mature as the winner, everything where it should be but not quite the balance stood or on the move. L (5,2) 1st Collins’ Cachel King of Hearts at Candyke JW 16mth d – Beautifully boned young male, square in shape, very good front and rear, short coupled and ribs well back.  Lovely topline which he held on the move.  Square muzzle, dark eye and low ear set.  Silky coat in lovely condition.  Won the class on his movement and overall balance, very close to BOB.  I am sure he will continue to mature very well. 2nd Brown’s Rosbercon Good Day Sunshine 3 yr b Welsh Springer Spaniel PG (1,0) 1st Chandler’s Chanangel Dujardin 19mth b well handled by her young handler. Very nice feminine bitch, pretty head, slightly domed in the skull, good stop, dark eye, some chiselling with a moderately low set ear. Has a relatively long neck leading to her angulated shoulders.  Chest still to drop fully but has time on her side. Well sprung ribs, well back strong loin.  Good stifle.  Moved well with rear drive. O (1,0) 1st Riddell’s Thendara Chasing Girls Around Trunorth ShCm 6 yr d – Lovely boned beautifully put together male.  Not overdone in anyway.  Balanced front and rear angulation used to achieve both reach and drive on the move.  Lovely chiselling below his eyes, giving him a very distinguished look, slight dome to his skull.  Good defined stop, a lovely head, all male but no way course.  Lovely long neck.  Ribs well sprung and back, strong in the loin.  Well deserved BOB and G4 in strong company. Irish Setter P (1,0) 1st Riddell’s Thendara Hey Jude 9mth d – Lovely young male.  In lovely coat and condition.  Like his head with the correct proportions, long and lean. Domed in the skull.  Dark eye with soft expression. Long in the neck and correct narrowness at the front, chest still to fully drop as he matures.  Long shoulders, well set, ribs well back, strong arched loin.  He has lovely bent stifles and did use them to move with purpose although still slightly erratic on the move at this young age, just needs time.  BP and PG4  PG (3,1) 1st Glasper’s Esbrown Lord of the Dane at Denetop 3yr d Smaller stature dog in lovely coat and condition.  Nice hear, dark eye domed skull and equal length of muzzle to skull.  Long in the neck. Good length of upper arm but a little upright.  Ribs well sprung and well back. Strong arched loin.  Good turn of stifle.  On the move he drove from the rear but was wide at the front. 2nd Gracie’s Vistador Diesel in the Dust Summergate 22mth d – less mature than the winner and the opposite in movement, good front movement but a little wide in the rear with less drive however has time to mature.  In lovely coat and condition. O (2,0) 1st Riddell’s Thendara Chasing Girls Around Trunorth ShCm 5yr d – liked him very much, racy appearance and full of quality.  Presented in excellent coat and condition. Lovely head, domed skull, correct equal proportions, long and lean.  Lovely dark eye and very soft gentle expression.  Deep chested, narrow at the front, long shoulders with good angulation.  Lovely long lean neck.  Well sprung ribs, well back, slightly arched strong loin, into very good rear angulation which he used to move with purpose and drive.  Very light on his feet Well deserve BOB and G3. AVNSC Gundog PG (2,0)1st Cunningham’s Foulby Fidelma of Elvandar IWS 3yr  b Compact, with lovely coat.  Nice head, well domed, slightly square in the muzzle, dark eye . Low set ear. Deep chest, strong in the front with well angulated shoulders. Well sprung barrelled ribs, well back, strong loin.  She has good rear angulations, strong thighs used well on the move to achieve reach and drive. BOB 2nd Nesbitt’s Chabrouille Singin Hinny Sussex Sp O (2,0) 1st Nesbitt’s Yorkham Fred Bear from Charbrouille ShCm 6yr Sussex Sp Strong built  fully matured male, strong head with width to the skull, defined occiput and stop.  Hazel eye with lovely expression.  Low set ear. Deep chested with short legs front and rear.  Moderate angulated.  Ribs sprung and reaching well back, strong loin.  Lovely coat and condition.  He moved with the characteristic role but just showing his age in his front movement. 2nd Cox’s Hollutrix Yemonta ShCM 8 year old SWD, does not look her age. Lovely and compact with good coat.  Strong head with correct parallel head planes. Lovely expression. Good front angulation with lovely upper arm length, deep in the chest.  Well sprung ribs.  Moderate in her rear angulation, Still well muscled for her age but her movement not quite as strong as if she had been younger. Gundog Group.  A very strong group, many of which could have placed.  Gp1 Golden Retriever Robinson’s Lamancha Keep the Faith Gp2 Thurm’s Sh Ch Bryburn Bacchus GSP d – one I have admired from a far and he did not disappoint. Very close decision for the group GP3 Irish Setter Riddell’s Thendara Chasing Girls Around Trunorth ShCm GP4 WSS Riddell’s Thendara Chasing Girls Around Trunorth ShCm Gundog Puppy Group PG1 American Cocker Sp  9mth b Morris’s Ashclares Kiss me Quick by Mycalleys caught my eye as she came in and did not disappoint, beautifully constructed and coat.  Moved with lovely action and ground covering stride. PG2 Cocker Sp Rainey’s Coleela Red Admiral PG3 Golden Ret Mackenzie’s Leynosk Top N Take That PG4 Irish Setter Riddell’s Thendara Hey Jude AV Gundog P 1st Cocker Sp Rainey’s Coleela Red Admiral J 1st ESS O’Connor’s Calvdale Night on the Town with Karlejay G 1st Golden Ret Wrights Palton Panetala 4 yr d – Lovely coat and head, good balanced front and rear angulation.  Well sprung rib. Would prefer more animation on the move. O 1st Pointer Anderson-Rowell Daledancer Silver Fame V 1st GWP O’Connor’s Karlejay Gump Zulu Warrior JW Shcm 9yr d.  Fabulous veteran, not showing his age either in construction or movement.  In lovely coat, harsh and with correct undercoat. Good bone and substance. Very good front and rear angulation. Excellent length of upper arm allowing good reach on the move.  Deep chested, well sprung ribs.  Strong loin.  Correct slope of his croup to well set tail.  Would have liked to see him in his younger days.  Judge Keeley Newan-Jones