• Show Date: 17/11/2018
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Jeff Horswell Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Crystal Palace Canine Association

Crystal Palace Bulldogs

I took over Mr Davies’ entry. Puppy 1. Hale & Phillips’ Hillplace Trevor Promising, masc d. Well proportioned head. Wide underjaw. Well set eyes. Nice width of skull and well set ears. Correct neck, Well filled, broad chest. Correct topline, moderate hind angulation. Could be a little more positive in hind action, but v typical. BOB 2. Weller’s Jochelter Escana for Geenawell 6 mths, fem b and very raw looking. She has many good qualities. V good expression. Well set ears. Correct neck. Good topline, excellent tail. Junior 1. Anscombe’s Odinschild Violet Warrior Solidly built masc d. Well proportioned head, good expression. Liked his width of skull. Correct neck. V good front. Topline ok. Well ribbed. Needs a little more hind angulation. 2. Lamont’s Laroyal Lead by Example Free moving, slightly lighter type b. Her head is balanced. Quite a strong under jaw. Not quite the front of 1. Topline is ok. Post Grad 1. Anscombe’s Odinschild Violet Warrior 2. Burnby & Hopcraft’s Odinschild Warrior Queen at Burncraft V honest sort of b with a lovely temperament. Not the head of 1, ears are slightly low set. Loverly eyes. Correct neck. Wide front. Well sprung ribs. Moderate hind angulation. Preferred topline of winner. Open 1. Weller’s Baalzebul Constance for Geenawell Well proportioned fem b. Better head than 2. Lovely sour expression. Good turn up of jaw. Correct neck. Liked her width of chest. V good body. Liked her topline. Moderate rear. RBOB 2. Wheeler’s Stellasville Olympic Star V fem. showing tongue slightly. Ok for neck. Nice front. V good topline. Could have a little more angle to her hock.

French Bulldogs Puppy Nice class of pups. 1. Timms’ Eastonite Moana Liked her balance and proportions and she moved really well. Fem head, better width of jaw than 2. Super eye and expression. Good muzzle. Well set ears. Correct neck. Straight front. Could have more roach in her topline. Ribs well sprung. V moderate rear. BOB 2. Morgan & Ling’s Agramer’s No Alibi at Tytorro She is slightly longer than 1 but has a better topline. Lovely eyes and ears. Correct neck. Straight front. Well sprung ribs. Moderate rear. Well set tail. 3. Brooks & Cairns’ Corursus Under the Ivy Junior. Ne Post Grad 1. Truelove’s Eastonite Dark Crystal Free moving b. Lovely eyes and expression. Well set ears. Correct neck. Straight front. Slightly long but topline is ok. Well set tail. Could have slightly more turn of hock. Open V competitive class. 1. Morgan & Ling’s Tytorro East Action JW ShCM Thought her v typical. Fem head, good width of skull, well set ears and eyes, which could be slightly darker. Enough neck. Ok feet. A fraction long, but better topline than 2. Moderate rear. Moved typically. 2. Timms’ Eastonite Maui JW V free moving d, liked his length of back but found him ever so slightly leggy. Has a v good, masc head. Super eye and expression. Correct neck. Wide front. Feet could be tighter. Well ribbed. Better rear than 1. 3. Brooks & Cairns’ Corursus the Glamerous Life JW ShCM Jeff Horswell