• Show Date: 10/11/2018
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Bethan Evans Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Plymouth & District Kennel Association

Plymouth & District Kennel Association

10th November 2018

Toy Group 1 Day-Hitchen’s Cubadias Caribbean Damsel ShCm Havanese On entering the ring this female caught my eye immediately. Lovely head with dark almond shape eyes, correct ear placement, good front with well laid shoulders , slight rise of the loin, high tail set, well angulated with excellent textured coat. Moved out with style and springy gait, put down in excellent condition. Shown to perfection.

Toy Group 2 Osborne’s Magstarai Heart Of The Ocean Bichon exquisite breed type, lovely well set dark eyes and nice haloes, soundly made both front and rear, Handled and presented to perfection. Looks a picture standing in profile, and outstanding on the move, first class

Toy Group 3 Williams & Loosley’s Jicara Bittersweet S/C Chi Lovely head and expression, large flared, well set ears. Good mouth. Strong arched neck and very good shoulders and body. Really eye catching on the move with her swift sound action.

Toy Group 4 Asker’s  Yorkshire Terrier Beaupetite She’s Got The Look Lovely head with nice dark eyes, good pigmentation & neat well carried ears. Good forequarters and reach of neck and good shoulders. Well bodied with good topline and tailset. Nicely shaded tan and body coat of lighter steel blue, good texture. Moved soundly

Toy Puppy Group 1 Osborne’s Magstarai Secrets Of The Sea Bichon This youngster has the most wonderful outline both standing and on the move. Her overall conformation is an excellent example of the ideal ratio of length of neck to the right length of back. She has just the right amount of leg to create a super overall balance. Good pigment throughout and a lovely coat of the correct texture.

Toy Puppy Group 2 Lewis Carleeto Joe Cocker CKCS Very good reach of neck, lovely coat with the correct texture, he just flows around the ring with excellent driving movement. Good bone and substance, excellent tail set, very good topline

Toy Puppy Group 3 Aylett’s Creddy’s Irresistable Me At Angcherish S/C Chi A very good headed puppy with large, flared ears and large eye. Good mouth. Excellent forehand and very well balanced. Strong hindquarters. Moved soundly both ways

Toy Puppy Group 4 England’s Cichlas Blasise Affen To Vanistica imp Affenpinscher Very Nice puppy, proper monkey liking expression, good turnup and eye.She has a level topline; tail is well set and carried well at all times. She excels in movement for a youngster, good front extension with desired floating goosestep

Pug Post Grad

1st Dimond & Boumonte’s  Sephina Look of Love Beautifully balanced dog with lovely eyes, good wrinkle and strong thick neck. Good forehand with strong legs well under the body. Good length and spring of rib. Moved very well. Res Best of Breed

2nd Denton & Johnson’s Popinjay Ruby Ruby Ruby Very pleasing head with neat ears, fairly large expressive eyes, good width of underjaw. Hard, compact body, high set twist. Moved well.

3rd Hayes’s Eriksons Esctasy Good clear colour with black pigment, nice head with neat well placed ears, most expressive eyes, good width of muzzle. nice neck, good straight front, tail nicely set and correct  twist, good very good fore and hindquarters moves and shows well. Best Puppy in Breed

Pug Open

1st Lee’s Glenalua I’m Meryl Tuckenhay {Ikc}Excellent head with plenty of wrinkle, well placed button ears, large eyes, Good reach of neck into good shoulders, straight front, neat feet, level topline, good twist and set on, in excellent muscle tone and condition moves with purpose.Best of Breed

2nd Denton’s Tremorvah Cornish Blossom Good head, neat ears, large eyes, nice neck, straight front, good topline, well set tail, moves well.

3rd Anderson’s Pigalle Pretty Woman

Havanese Open

1st Day-Hitchen’s Cubadias Caribbean Damsel ShCm On entering the ring this female caught my eye immediately. Lovely head with dark almond shape eyes, correct ear placement, good front with well laid shoulders , slight rise of the loin, high tail set, well angulated with excellent textured coat. Moved out with style and springy gait, put down in excellent condition. Shown to perfection.

Best of Breed & Toy Group 1

ETT Post Grad

1st Dicker’s Nerodan Made To Make It Very promising with a most attractive head and expression, correct  shaped eye, good ears, long neck and good shoulders. Moved well both out and back and in profile she has a lovely fluid action. Shapely and with good tailset and carriage. Good coat. Best Puppy in Breed

2nd Wills’s Mortonia Easter Bonnet At Marlinett Very pleasing outline, long lean head, slightly different to winner & not quite so feminine at this stage. Very Good coat & colours. Moved well with drive.

3rd Cross’s Pedara The World Is Mine

ETT Open Dog

1st Snell’s  Ch Mortonia Kindle Fire Scores highly for breed type, well proportioned of ideal size. Shapely body, first class head, real wedge and dark almond eye, ear shape & carriage also good. Moved soundly. Excellent tail carriage both on the move & standing, his overall typiness for me won him the day. Best of Breed

ETT Open Bitch

1st Dicker’s Neerodan Top Class Lady Beautifully balanced, most elegant and with a lovely clean shapely outline. Pleasing head with good eye. Good forehand and well bodied with typical cut up. Nicely angulated rear and moves well both ways.

2nd Dicker’s Ch Neerodan Naughty Nacy This female has a lovely head and eye, carries herself well with her long nicely arched neck. Good forehand, compact body and in lovely coat and condition.

Chinese Crested Post Grad

1st Grant’s Mortonia Passion Parade At Moorheath Caught my eye as soon as she walked in the ring. Stunning head, well chiseled, dark almond eye, strong well placed ears, super mouth. Elegant neck, proportioned feminine frame, well angulated, moving fluidly.Best Puppy in Breed

2nd Snell’s Moretonia Pretty Parade Classic head, dark eye, perfect dentition. Well proportioned body, spot on movement. Correct coat texture, first class presentation

Chinese Crested Open

1st Swain’s Mikang Gingerbread Latte Good head, well chiseled, with dark expressive eye. Strong well placed ears. Elegant neck, good shoulders, excellent outline, super soft skin, eye catching furnishings.

Best of Breed

Min Pin Post Grad

1st Allan & Smith & Rees’s Tinolucianna Red Velvet With Telidor Nicely shaped baby, elegant and well pigmented. Pleasing head with small ears which she used well, giving an alert expression. Square body with strong topline and good tailset. Showed glimpses of true movement.Best Puppy in Breed

Min Pin Open

1st  Allan & Smith & Rees’s Telidor Thumbs Up With Tinolucianna Super head and expression,dark eye well placed ears , dark eye lovely outline, square and well balanced straight back good sound fore and hind quarters  and moved so soundly. Best of Breed

2nd Davies’s Estivals Dizzy Raskal. Lovely head shape with good foreface and fill under the eye and strong perfect dentition. Well boned with tight feet. Strongest of short toplines well held on the move and moving out steadily with good hackney and lift behind.

Pomerania Open

1st Lovell’s Shlarra Meet The Legend Like his size and shape, tiny foxy face and expression, very dark eyes and nose, tiny ears, good feet and legs, tail carried well, and so sound on the move.Best of Breed

Papillon Junior

1st Orchard’s Ablazzor Angel Of The North At Panspayon Beautifully balanced ,ideal size; most lovely head, fine through both the skull and muzzle, dark eyes and very large ears at the correct angle; excellent development of forechest and well angulated forequarters; chest is already fairly deep; silky, straight coat with black markings on her body; free moving; most promising.

2nd Stanbury’s Inixia Ever Ready Eddie Beautifully balanced ,ideal size large ears scissor bite; excellent parallel hind movement seen going away, and in profile he was very free moving; very confident and lively.

3rd Orchard’s Panspayon Gold Fever

Papillon Post Grad

1st Boughton & Stanbury’s Inixia Hot Sox Elegant and dainty with a very pretty head and expression. Good neck and shoulders with level topline and well set tail. Sound and accurate on the move.

2nd Orchard’s Panspayon Prince Harry Pleasing for type and overall balance with a grand head and lovely expression enhanced by large, mobile ears. Moved soundly.

3rd Sellick’s Inixia Annabelle Naf

Papillon Open

1st Orchard’s Ringland Yoko’s Solo At Panspayon ShCM Very elegant and dainty with a lovely head and expression. Well fringed, mobile ears. Finely boned with correct shaped feet. Good body with adequate depth of chest and good spring of rib. Silky fine coat. Keen and alert she was on her toes all the time and well deserved Best of Breed

2nd Stanbury’s Inixia Trade Mark. A lovely puppy with a most attractive head, fine muzzle and large, mobile ears. Pleasing to handle as she is soundly made and in good body condition. Silky coat. Moves extremely well. Best Puppy in Breed

3rd Boughton & Stanbury’s Inixia Follower Of Fashion

Bichon Post Grad

1st Marshall’s Magstarai Mystic Dream For Honeyvale Her construction is excellent with a particularly good front assembly and fabulous head carriage. She has a mature well rounded body and well defined angulation, she has super reach and drive on the move and yet remains steady on the rear. She is clearly quite a handful which I loved about her. Far too many bichons today seemed so bored with it all. She has an attractive head with a lovely eye, good mouth and loads of coat which was not overdone in any way.

2nd Osborne’s Magstarai Magic In The Stars Another quality female  with a super attitude and so sound on the move. Has a very good outline, nicely bodied with really good muscle tone and well angulated rear. Attractive head

3rd Osborne’s Magstarai Secrets Of The Sea This youngster has the most wonderful outline both standing and on the move. Her overall conformation is an excellent example of the ideal ratio of length of neck to the right length of back. She has just the right amount of leg to create a super overall balance. Good pigment throughout and a lovely coat of the correct texture.

Best Puppy in Breed and Toy Puppy Group 1

Bichon Open

1st Osborne’s Magstarai Heart Of The Ocean exquisite breed type, lovely well set dark eyes and nice haloes, soundly made both front and rear, Handled and presented to perfection. Looks a picture standing in profile, and outstanding on the move, first class.Best of Breed & Toy Group 2

Italian Greyhound Open

1st Carr’s Willakyme Oberson has everything I was looking for, tall, elegant and feminine, with beautiful flowing curves. Her skin was soft and fine. Movement was a joy to watch as from the side as she demonstrated ‘high stepping and free’ to perfection, and from behind she was driving off her well let down hocks.Best of Breed

2nd Mitchell’s Gemmend Little Echo At Gosston Good size and correct in all proportions. His movement is excellent, in front he has lift and flexion and covers the ground without any hint of being stilted, and behind he moved freely and with drive.

AVNSC Toy Post Grad

1st McLeod’s Sangria Make My Day For Dunline Jap Chin A great showman who was on his toes all the time and as one would expect, he was presented in tip top order. He has a lovely head with good eyes, well placed nose with decent nostrils and really wide, well cushioned muzzle. He is very dainty and finely boned but this is combined with adequate width of chest and a good body. Moved soundly with a stylish and elegant action

2nd Sakals’s My And Ty Bewitched To Eduard imp Pekingese A top quality dog with a most pleasing head, dark lustrous eyes and good muzzle and underjaw. Good forehand with adequate bone, firm at the shoulder and compact shapely body. Moved soundly and presented in first class coat and condition

Res Best AVNSC Toy

3rd England’s Cichlas Blasise Affen To Vanistica imp Affenpinscher Cracking puppy, proper monkey liking expression, good turnup and eye.She has a level topline; tail is well set and carried well at all times. She excels in movement for a youngster, good front extension with desired floating goosestep and this won her Best AVNSC Toy Puppy & Toy Puppy Group 4


1st Sakals’s My And Ty Bewitched To Eduard imp Pekingese A top quality dog with a most pleasing head, dark lustrous eyes and good muzzle and underjaw. Good forehand with adequate bone, firm at the shoulder and compact shapely body. Moved soundly and presented in first class coat and condition

2nd  Pearce’s Carleeto Le Troubadour Under Ozzymoon KCS Well pigmented, lovely square body shape with deep rib and strong loin. Good neck and head with lovely dome, wide jaw, good cushioning and dark eye, all going together to make soft expression. Very sound on the move.

AV Toy Puppy

1st Hawkins’s Lexody’s Apocalyptic CKCS Good head eyes giving a lovely soft, gentle expression. Good jaw and clean correct dentition,Well bodied with good rib. Strong well angulated hindquarters. Happy and sound on the move.

2nd Poyner’s Bronteana Sugar Baby Love L/C Chi A nicely coated,showed to her full potiential. Appealing head qualities, lovely flaring ears, dark eye and good mouth, straight front and good reach of neck, level topline and well set tail. Good movement.

3rd Hayes’s Eriksons Ecstasy Pug

AV Toy Veteran

1st Snell’s Yustin Jasne Hvezdy At Moretonia Chinese Crested Dark expressive eye, mouth good for age. Good neck leading into balanced, well angulated body with ample rib. Moved well with drive both coming and going. In excellent condition,

2nd Day & Crates’s Minniebell Endless Love In Cubadias Havanese Shown in lovely coat and good condition. Good breadth of skull and dark, expressive eye. Good topline and tailset. Moved soundly and with some style.

3rd Osborne’s Vanitonia White Sapphire For  Magstarai Bichon

Judge Miss B.S Evans