• Show Date: 03/11/2018
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Sheila Jakeman Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Northern Tibetan Spaniel Club

Breed: Tibetan Spaniel

NORTHERN TIBETAN SPANIEL CLUB CH Show 3rd November, 2018. I was flattered to be invited to judge for this breed Club and delighted to accept. Both the entry and the hospitality on the day were first class and I would like to thank everyone for their kindness and welcome extended to me. I thoroughly enjoyed the day and was so pleased there were no unhappy exhibits and none showed any signs of health issues which would be a cause for concern. Veterans overall were impressive and testament to caring owners, it was a pleasure to see so many of them. As a generalisation I found the males easier to judge than the bitches, this was due, in part, to more of the males moving correctly than did the bitches. Breed type is vitally important but so is any dogs ability to move correctly and I am always very aware of this.

Vintage D 4 (1 abs) 1 Poyser & Bodell CH TINAMBA ANGEL OF THE LOCKET At a week short of 14 what a star. He is missing some teeth but otherwise he certainly does not look or act his age. Lovely head type with darkest of eyes and mouth pigment. Well ribbed back with lovely level topline and excellent tailset. Moved in positive, true fashion. 2. Hamilton GALETIBBIAN GUY MANNER-ING. Another elderly gent who belies his age. Good head with nicely arched neck, nicely placed ears with some lift. Somewhat shorter in rib than one. Level backed and used his tail on the move. 3. CH CASELDEN BILBO BAGGINS

Veteran D. 5 (2 abs) 1. Breeze & Styles CH.PARALDE LITTLE BREDY WITH HILSAR This eight year old impressed for overall balance, lovely deep gold colour and pleased me in every respect. Head of lovely type, not overly big but balanced nicely with his body. Well constructed with good angulation both fore and aft. Excellent topline and high set tail all of which remained when he moved in true and typical fashion. Pleased to award him the Res CC in strong competition. 2. Cooper CH. AMCROSS A PROPPA PARTI Slightly bigger than the winner, good mouth, dark eyes and good pigmentation. He is nicely made in front and confident on the move though he did not flow quite as evenly as the winner. 3 Poyser & Bodell TINAMBA DASHING ANGEL

PD 1 Wallis-Baga FOLLOW BALTHAZAR TO VALROK Pale gold with black overlay, in good coat and good body condition for his almost 10 months of age. Pleasing muzzle and good skull with quite a masculine look about him. Well ribbed and stands on nicely boned legs. Good tailset. Better going away than coming but hopefully he will tighten in front.

JD 6 1. Campbell TULIBELL FREDDIE KRUGGER At 13 months on the day this one has a correct coat without it being overdone. Nicely cushioned muzzle with moderate stop and good width of skull. Neat ears, nice neck and level topline. Good length of ribbing and short coupled. Well carried tail and really true and firm on the move. He was pushing hard in the challenge. 2. Billington LYNDANSTONE MORYS Just into this class and is maturing nicely, attractive head, excellent hare feet and nice bone. Nice width at the front and good level topline with a well carried tail. Moved well. 3. FOLLOW BALTHAZAR TO V.

GD 3 (1abs) 1. FOLLOW BALTHAZAR TO V. 2. Harford VELROK LEGEND OF ZORRO This Blk/Tan has a very good condition shiny coat. Pleasing in head with super mouth. Dark eyes and neat ears. Somewhat exaggerated in the front which did not help him when moving but his feet are of good shape. Nice through the body and rear angles OK.

PGD 8 (2 abs) 1. Keen TIBBYLANDS GOLDEN BOY Very typical in head with good mouth and nicely cushioned muzzle. Somewhat loose at the elbows when felt but this did not affect his action. Pleasing neck, topline and tail with well boned legs and correct hare feet. 2. Williams CASELDEN SWEENEY TODD Bigger overall than the winner with a typical head though his ears are a bit on the large side. Well ribbed with short couplings and excellent tailset. Rear pasterns could be a bit more upright. 3. Breeze & Styles HILSAR IS HE T’SO

  MLD 4 (1 abs) 1. HILSAR IS HE T’SO Third in previous class. Like his head type and he has lovely small ears with enough lift. Just a bit excessive in lower jaw. Nicely made in front without being overly curved. Good mover, maintaining his topline and carrying his tail nicely. 2 Lemon OLDCHARM LOVE ME AGAIN This one appears much bigger in the head but it is caused by large ears, the skull & muzzle are just fine. Very stylish with good balance and stands on good legs and feet. Nicely coated. Just above his litter brother. 3. Derizzio OLDCHARM GALAXY OF LOVE

LD 7 (2 abs) 1 Campbell VONVUE VIN SENT TO TULIBEL Masculine fella with good ribbing and solid body. Nice in head with shapely muzzle, decent stop and flattish skull. Perfect mouth. Good on the move maintaining his level topline and carrying his tail well. 2 Osborn QUAILMOOR THE WIZARDS SPELL Somewhat longer than the winner. Good in head but his ears could be smaller, well coated and moved out nicely on good hare feet. Well feathered tail which might be covering a bit of a slope. 3. Parkes FANTASA WARTORTLE

OD 12 What an impressive class where many good ones went cardless 1 Lemon CH SOUSKA I NEED YOUR LOVE Well, he got it! Just oozes quality and type plus in superb condition. Enough clear golden coat to enhance every feature. Lovely headpiece with good neck, level topline and well carried tail. Good bone down to correct hare feet with feathering. Well ribbed for both spring and length and short in couplings thus presenting the ideal outline. Really good on the move and showed his head off to win CC & BIS. 2 Hamilton CH TORFNESS PRINCE HARRY OF GALETIBBIAN I was impressed by this one too. Pleasing head with nice expression, good mouth but bigger in ear than the winner. Well constructed through the body and a nice mover. Just a tad weaker on all his pasterns than the winner. 3. Bishop CH & IR CH AVIGDOR TITUS

Vintage B 4 1. CH GALETIBBIAN MILLIE ON AIR At 10 she is alert and bright and not forgotten the job she does in the ring. Pleasing in head with good neck, level back and well ribbed with straight legs and good feet. Lovely tail. Moved well though a tad close at the rear. A worthy champion. 2. Short CH SAMALYN SWANSONG BY MALIA Very similar in type to winner but a bit more petite overall. Deep golden coloured coat, typical in the head. Just a bit shorter in rib than I like. Age begin-ning to affect her movement. 3. Tyler SOUSKA YOU’LL BE MINE FOR MULLTYE

VETB 11(3 abs) Such a lovely class of older ladies. 1.Moran & Prouve CH. IR.FR.INT CH AVIGDOR ELVIRA Pale coloured with a pretty black overlay. Very typical in head with dark pigmentation. Level back and well set tail. Somewhat pronounced in prosternum but is nicely ribbed and stands well on good legs and feet. A really sound mover with reasonable width at the rear. Res CC. 2. Breeze & Styles HILSAR DUAR VESPA Pretty gold colour with good head and neck. Not quite as positive in front as the winner. Pleasing topline and well ribbed with good tail. A little bit out of coat today. 3. Harford SIDENVAGENS KISSES OF FIRE AT MENNIMOONZ

MPB 3 (1 abs) 1. Parkes KILRAMANNA SILHOUETTE AMONG PARALDE Still has her fluffy baby coat and is so sweet. Well balanced with nice level topline. Sweet head with skull that will go on and develop more I am sure. Small ears and pleasing neck. A bit hesitant to carry her tail up but it is set on correctly. Moved with confidence. 2. Cooper & Ellingford SUSU MALEFICENT Quite dark in colour with an attractive black mask. Her bite is OK and she has a nicely balanced head. Still growing so her topline will sort out hopefully. Not heavily boned and has nice feet. Better in front than the rear on the move.

PB 4 (2 abs) Poyser & Bodell ANDOR GOLDEN GIRL AT TINAMBA Pleasing for size, 11 months with sweet head, dark eyes, good mouth and excellent pigmentation. Nice development of rib and level backed with high set tail. Could be a shade fine in bone but well shaped feet. Moved nicely and with confidence. BP 2. Rofe CHENREZI DANCING QUEEN Bigger than the winner and not quite as much confidence. She has a dark mask and clear golden profuse jacket. Pleasing head with good neck and topline. Needs to tighten up in front but has time to do that.

JB 8 (2 abs) 1. Davies & Butler COLPHIL LHAY LHA a very nice class of youngsters. Topped by this lovely headed B with good expression, cushioned muzzle, darkest of eyes and good mouth. Well made in front with nice ribbing and well boned legs and hare feet with feathering coming in. Moved rather well in both directions. Pushed hard in the challenge. 2. Morton LINSDOWN CAMELLIA Another with a black mask and good expressive head with pleasing skull shape. Well ribbed both in depth and length and nice angles at the rear. Well off for bone and has good feet. She was a bit reluctant to use the ring but showed off decent action nevertheless. 3. Thomson TIBBLESTARS WHO’S THAT LADY

GB 11 (1 abs) 1. Thornely-Taylor BALGAY MA BELLE AT SAXTEAD Pale gold with pleasing head and good mouth. Well shaped skull and muzzle and used her ears nicely. Level backed with good length of ribbing and short couplings. Good bone, well shaped feet and a good mover with style. 2. Osborn QUAILMOOR LADY OF THE LAKE I really liked this one for type, dark mask, well used ears and lovely eyes. Very balanced with nice level topline and good tail. Well angulated at the front with good ribbing and stood well. When she moved she was good at the rear but not quite as positive as the winner in front. 3. T. WHO’S THAT LADY

PGB 15 (4 abs) 1. Moran BUUS’S HI-RA HAILEY A petite pale gold lady who topped a really good class. I was splitting hairs to sort them out. Sweet head with well set small ears and excellent bite. All I have written is complimentary, neck, topline, tail, ribbing etc. Well boned and moved really nicely. 2. Needham PARLOUEVE AT LAST I loved the expression on this black and tan. She has a good mouth and is well made in front. Excellent topline and tail and stands and shows off all the time. She also moved really well in both directions. 3. Campbell TULIBELL AT HOGWARTS

MLB 4 (2 abs) 1. Hourihane BARJENTA PARTI PARVATI AT AMCROSS Impressively marked gold and white particolour with a nicely balanced head with excellent mouth and well carried ears. Pleasing neck, topline and tail. Good ribbing, lighter boned than some but a good mover with correct angles. 2. Piper TIBBYLANDS ETERNAL MOON Sometime opposites appear in the same class and this one is not atall like the winner being heavier in body and lacking in the stance that appeals. Rather over wide in front with a degree of curve to accommodate her ribbing which did not enhance her front action though she was fine going away.

LB 9 (3 abs) Rose CASELDEN ALL THAT JAZZ Just one minor criticism otherwise I liked her in every respect. Good balance to head with cushioned muzzle and enough skull. Neck and topline are ideal and she has strength of bone and good hare feet. Nice on the move in both directions. 2. Tapp YLLASTEL FROM ME TO YOU VELBRI Loved her head but thought her ears not quite in balance. Well made all through with a good tailset. Moved particularly well in front and good at the rear. Hard to split these two. 3. Thomson TIBBLESTARS MOULIN ROUGE

OB 20 (10 abs) What a cracking class despite the absentees. 1. Purnell TAMRAE TIME TO TALK AT CROCKERNE This one was in fantastic show condition, lovely quality coat without being overdone and firm in body with muscle tone. Lovely head with dark expressive eyes, good muzzle and skull, supported by decent neck. Well ribbed both for length and spring and carried her tail well over a level topline. Used her ears well. If being critical I would like more firmness at her pasterns but this did not show on the move and not always when standing. Great showgirl, CC & BOS. 2. Thomson PHILCAR PHUN ‘N’ GAMES AT TIBBLESTARS Lovely shape and balance, sweet head and expression. Not quite in full coat today. Nice for condition and made right all round. She is also a good mover and like the winner did not come towards me with too much width at the elbows which seemed to be a common failing in this class. 3. Borrett CH TIBBYMILLS KANDY KANE AT TIBAMA

Sheila Jakeman 18.11.18