• Show Date: 10/05/2018
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Nick Smith Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Birmingham Dog Show Society Ltd

Breed: Collie (Rough)

MPD (6 Entries) Abs: 2 1 st HASSOCK Mrs A Camanna Codename. 7 mth S/W of good size, well off for bone and substance. Shown in tip top condition. His movement was very sound for his age, just needing to lengthen throughout, but that should come with age. 2nd: RANDALL Mr & Mrs D & S Ladnar Balthasar , First outing for this very wel lpresented B/M, and he wasn’t fazed at all. Head handles well with nicely rounded muzzle and well used ears. Decent neck and good angulations. Moved well for his age. 3rd: EDWARDS Mrs J A Copamage Tropical Cyclone Over Elshajo

PD (4 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: CRONK Mrs V Culbrae Code Red At Chelborn. This 11 month golden sable appealed as soon as he entered the ring. Up to size, all male but without any coarseness. He has a quality head of good length, but without being deep, and a perfeclyt shaped dark eye giving a soft expression. Excellent shoulders and well developed rib cage for his age. Good length of back, although he does tend to stand under himself a bit, which can make him look a tad cobby, which he isn’t. He was presented to perfection and moved very well for his age. He was a whisper away from a top honour and I have no doubt that he could be something special. Pleased to award him BP and then later see him placed 3 rd in a quality Pastoral puppy group. 2nd: BROWN, Miss H & JOPSON Mr R Lillyway Lattimer At Nithview. 11 mth Tri of good size and balance. Nice head pattern of good length. Good neck flowing into a well angulated front and correct length of back, deep chest, neat feet and nice bone. Moved well enough and presented well. 3rd: GLADWELL Miss S J Sunswirl Win Step To Jotars (Imp) NAF

JD (6 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: BARTRAM Mr C P & Mrs R Ambartr King Of The Ring. S/W of very nice type, a good size and very balanced throughout. His head is very clean and a good length with no depth. Nicely shaped dark eye. Ears well placed although reluctant to use them, but the hall was very noisy and many exhibits had the same issue, so I made allowances for this. He excels in movement and is very light on his feet. He just needs time to widen and drop in chest. His presentation could have been better. 2nd: GALLAGHER Mr M & Mrs M J Kisalagi D'Artagnan At Galdana (Imp). Another sable of good size, with much to like about him. He has a masculine head but would prefer it a bit leaner, good eye with a genial sweet expression, enough neck and good angulations and well off for bone. His movement was acceptable. 3rd: GLADWELL Miss S J Sunswirl Win Step To Jotars (Imp) NAF

YD (3 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: HUMPHREY Mrs S Shasam Sign Of The Times JW S/w, presented to perfection. He had a nicely rounded muzzle and good under jaw, but I would prefer more length to his head. Adequate neck, well sprung ribs, and nice bone. Moved and handled well. 2nd: BARTRAM Mr C P & Mrs R Ambartr King Of The Ring 3rd: BYRNE Mrs C Ingledene Affairs By Nite

ND (1 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: LOCKYER Mrs M Think Of Me Prince Of Sunlight At Gataj (Imp) 11 mth, 4 th in Puppy. His head pattern is too short and deep for me, and would prefer him to have more length overall. Rear angulation very good which showed on the move as he had good drive from the rear, but needs more reach in the front. The presentation was excellent.

GD (4 Entries) Abs: 1 1st: WHITE Mrs J Mejola Dangerous Liaison. B/M of very nice breed type and presenting a very nice silhouette. Head of good length and clean though the cheeks. Just enough stop, decent eye, and well placed and used ears. Good neck that he knows how to use, body balanced and of correct length. Movement was free and easy. Very well presented. 2nd: LOCKYER Mrs M Gataj Beau Of Surprises JW. A very well balanced tri, with a correct jet black coat of good texture. His head handles well, with a nicely rounded muzzle and well placed stop, good under jaw and tight lip line. Kind eye of nice shape. A little deep in skull and his ears could be tighter. Good angulations which showed in his movement. 3rd: GLADWELL Miss S J Moon Happy Jotars (Imp)

PGD (3 Entries) Abs: 1 1st: WELSH Mrs B P Karafaye Scotch Blend At Thistlewing nearly 3 yrs s/s/w and brother to my BOB. He has many of the same qualities as her, although still needs more maturity. His head is clean and balanced, of good length and no depth. Well shaped eyes of nice expression. Flat in backskull and neat well set and used ears. Good neck flowing to correct body shape. Ample bone and neat feet. Tail well set. Presented well and very sound on the move. Correct coat of beautiful colour. 2nd: WHITE Mrs J Mejola Fate And Fortune. B/m of correct type and like his kennel mate presents a nice silhouette. Head of good length and very clean. Nice eye with gentle expression. Ears well placed but very reluctant to use them. Lovely crest to his neck used to his advantage. Good height to length ratio, just needing to drop and develop in chest. Moved with ease with good drive from the rear, but just lacking reach in front.

  LD (11 Entries) Abs: 2 1st: HASSOCK Mrs A Camanna Colour Me Perfect. A perfect name for this 2 ½ yrs quality B/M of fantastic colour. He appeals immediately for his size, shape and balance. His head is masculine, but without any coarseness and of good length. Well round muzzle and flat in back skull. Strong neck of good length, flowing into correct shoulders and good upper arm. Well sprung ribs of good length and strong loin. Good rear angulation and nice short hocks. His coat enhances his shape and is of great colour and with rich tan markings. He was put down to perfection. He moves with good reach in the front, but needs to tighten on the rear. Res CC. 2nd: GLADWELL Miss S J Jotars Blue Moon JW. Another very nice B/M who appeals for his balance. Presented to perfection as always from this kennel. His head handled well, although for me I would prefer it a bit leaner. Nicely rounded muzzle with good under jaw. Kind eyes giving a soft expression. Ears well tipped, but could be tighter on top. Body of correct balance and with good substance and bone. Coat of good texture and another of a excellent colour. Moved and presented very well. 3rd: CORBEN Mrs P Caprioara Silver Cloud

OD (5 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: FALLETTO Mr G Int Ch One Extraordinary Blu Di Cambiano. I can see why this 4 yrs B/M has won well in many countries around Europe. He catches your eye from the moment he comes in the ring with his “Impassive dignity”. His head is clean and so well balanced, Masculine, but without excessive depth perfect place and amount of stop, well shaped eyes with the sweetest of expressions. His ears are well placed and when he did use them they were perfect. Beautiful neck which enhances his outline. Good angulations and length of back, and coat of exceptional colour. Ample bone and neat feet. Moved freely and easily, and presented to perfection. CC. 2nd: QUINCE Mrs L Karafaye Black Quillan . 6 yrs Tri, presented in excellent condition. Not the flashiest of dogs, but not much to dislike about him at all. Nice head pattern of good length, well filled in muzzle, nice under jaw and good lip line. Flat in back skull. Well placed ears which he uses well. Adequate amount of neck leading to body of good shape and balance. Ample bone and nice feet. Shown in excellent hard condition which showed in his movement which was steady and correct. 3rd: SMITH Mrs L Shandlmain Driftinstorm

VD (3 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: CLARE Miss T Bluchip Solar Storm Of Skyeshelm. A lot to like about this 7 yrs Tri, not the biggest dog but so very well balanced throughout, he has a good length of back and correct angulation that allowed him to move freely around the ring. His head is also very well balanced, with a very kind expression. Shown in excellent condition and handled very well. 2nd: WELSH Mrs B P Ladnar Perfect Time At Thistlewing Another very nice veteran of a slightly different type. Nice head, if a bit shorter in pattern to the winner, correctly placed stop, good eye and expression, topped with well used neat ears. Enough neck and with good shoulders and upper arm. I would prefer him slightly longer, but this did not stop him moving soundly round the ring. Coat of good texture and colour. 3rd: CORBEN Mrs P Wicani Spectral Blue via Caprioara

MPB (6 Entries) Abs: 1 1st: GARSIDE Mrs D Barrenclough Golden Lilly. Very feminine baby with a very clean head and sweetest of expressions. Perfect ear carriage, long neck and shapely body, good front angulation, a little straight in rear, but that didn’t affect her movement which was free and easy round the ring. Just hope she grows on to be big enough. BPB 2nd: SPENDELOW Mrs J D Samhaven Unique To Uffspring. A very pretty 6 mth B/M with so much to like about her. Clean head with lovely moulded muzzle, well placed stop. Sweet expressive eye, well placed ears. Good angulations, and well set tail. Her colour needs to clear and she needs to tighten on the move, but acceptable for her age. 3rd: JACKSON Miss T Sassari Made Me Silver

PB (4 Entries) Abs: 1 1st: LOCKYER Mrs M True Colors At Prince Of Sunlight At Gataj (Imp). 11 mth S/w with decent angulations’ and her movement was good, but for me her head pattern is too short and deep in back skull and as a result doesn’t give the desired expression and her ear carriage needs to be tighter. Nice bone and very neat feet. Shown in good bloom and presented well. 2nd: GROWCOTT Mrs J S Lillyway Lemonade Blush. S/W, Overall appeals for her shape, but not as confident as 1, Nice eye and expression, but a shorter head pattern, good confirmation and shown in good coat and condition. 3rd: BARTRAM Mr C P & Mrs R Ambartr Eternal Light

JB (5 Entries) Abs: 1 The first two both appealed for overall type and balance and could change places on another day. 1st: NEWMAN Mrs L Phreelancer Phaith Hill, Very balanced Tri shown in sparkling condition as always from this kennel. I preferred her eye shape and expression to the 2 nd . Very clean head, with nicely rounded muzzle, good lip line and flat in skull. Excellent angulation front and rear and body of good length to match. Ample amount of nicely rounded bone. On the moved she was strong and positive. I will watch her future with interest. 2nd: GEDDES Mr & Mrs JN & V Ingledene Spirit Of Ecstacy. Many of the same comments apply to shape and balance as 1, she also has a nice clean head of good length. She moved well, but not quite as positive as the first. 3rd: HANSON Mrs J Ambartr Plancee At Jards JW

YB (7 Entries) Abs: 1 1st: GLADWELL Miss S J Ch Monsolana Love N Kiss Jotars (Imp) JW. This young girl didn’t put a foot wrong and was one of the best movers of the day. A born show girl who was handled to perfection. Her overall outline is lovely and so balanced. Her head handles well, with a nicely rounded muzzle, good tight lips, well placed stop. Sweet eyes and well placed ears that she used none stop. I personally would just prefer her to have a slightly longer leaner head pattern. She has a beautiful neck flowing to correct shoulders and front. Level top line and excellent turn of stifle with short powerful hocks. Presention excellent and a beautiful colour. She moved round the ring with ease. 2nd: GROWCOTT Mrs J S Nithview Country Dreams At Lillyway A very nice S/w of good type and a lovely colour. Her head handled well. But what I really liked was her overall balance and body shape of good lines from her neck to her tail. She also moved well. 3rd: BEARE Mrs S P Jemspark Maid In Secret

NB (3 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: SPENDELOW Mrs J D Samhaven Unique To Uffspring 2nd: HANSON Mrs J Ambartr Plancee At Jards JW. Overall this s/w is a very nice shape and has a lovely reach of neck. She also moves well. Her head is of good length, but a bit strong for me. 3rd: LOCKYER Mrs M True Colors At Prince Of Sunlight At Gataj (Imp)

GB (4 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: HUMPHREY Mrs S Shasam Shades Of Guilt. Although not always the type I go for this girl has so many qualities. She is very feminine, but I would prefer her to have a leaner head pattern and her ears to be tighter, but from there on I like everything about her. Completely balanced body of correct shape and balance. She excels in movement which was effortless. Her coat enhances her shape as it should do and is of a deep rich shaded colour. Presentation was excellent. Another girl who I am sure will have a bright future. 2nd: GEDDES Mr & Mrs JN & V Ingledene Lace N'grace. This 2 yrs S/w is of correct type, but today was reluctant to show off her virtues. A very shapely girl with a head of good length, if slightly strong. Excellent neck and very well angulated in front and rear. Moved well and definately fit for function. 3rd: HANSON Mrs J Ambartr Plancee At Jards JW

PGB (10 Entries) Abs: 3 1st: QUINCE Mrs L Karafaye Black Beauty. My star of the day. I first judged her as a junior and she was close that day, but just lacked the maturity. But today she had everything I was looking for. She is not the flashiest, but she is so correct. Her head is clean and well balanced, just enough stop and correct eye placement. Flat in back skull and perfectly placed ears, which she used non stop, to give that true collie expression. She has enough neck set correctly into perfect front angles. Ribs well sprung and of good length. Strong in loin and perfectly constructed hind quarters, which are so well muscled. Her coat is jet black, of correct texture and enhances her shape. Her movement from all angles is excellent, but she has fantastic drive from the rear. There was no doubt that in the challenge, watching her flow round the ring that she was the one to send through to the group. CC & BOB 2nd: WARD Mrs P B Demelewis Dare To Be Unquie In Starside. Another very shapely tri of correct breed type. Head of good length, but just needing more fill in the muzzle. Neat ears that she uses to her advantage. Lovely long neck and good length of back with level top line. Excellent turn of stifle. She moved well, if a bit reluctantly. 3rd: MELVIN, Mrs J & M & JOPSON Mrs J Nithview Country Bumpkin

LB (12 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: STEVENS Mrs M A Boughlee Sheza Star, this nearly 5 yrs tri headed a really nice class where there was little to choose between the placing. She is of correct type throughout and so very well balanced. Her head is lean and very clean. Nicely rounded in muzzle and flat in back skull. Neat ears, good neck and body of good length. Really good turn of stifle and well set tail. She moved round the ring steadily and true. Presented and handled well. 2nd: COLLINO Miss D M Imaginist Waxing Lyrical A very nice shaded sable of quality. Balanced throughout. Really nice head pattern with good eye. Strong flowing neck leading into well made front. Good ribbing of correct depth. Strong in loin and nicely rounded behind, with good turn of stifle. Today she was just not quite as positive on the move as 1. 3rd: RANDALL Mr & Mrs D & S Ladnar Inkheart JW

OB (7 Entries) Abs: 1 1st: NEWMAN Mrs L Phreelancer Phond Memories. This beautifully presented S/W caught my eye immediately for her type and balance. Her head is so clean and balanced and has a very sweet expression with that eagerness to please. Ears used nonstop. Another which has a correct length and flatness of back skull which many lack. Her front is well angled and has good width. Nice length to her body which is full of strength, and a really good turn of stifle and short hocks. Ample bone and well set tail. On the move she was very sound but slightly reluctant. Res CC. 2nd: MELLISH Miss M Corydon Victoriana For Demelewis. Plenty to like about this 4 yrs Tri, once again from this line so well balanced throughout. Her head is of correct length and balanced. I would prefer her ears to be tighter. She excels in neck, enhanced by her full white gleaming collar, against her jet black coat. Very good angulations fore and aft which allowed her to move well round the ring. 3rd: JACKSON Miss T Sassari Sea Shimmer

VB (5 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: HAWKINS Mrs S Ch Brilyn Platinum Lustre. What a credit this 9 yr B/M is to her owner. She belies her age throughout. A pleasing head with a very sweet expression, and neat ears well placed and used to her advantage. Lovely well held neck, good front, well sprung ribs. Strong legs of good bone and neat feet. Excellent rear angles and still stands true and strong. Her presentation was excellent, but her best part was her movement which puts many of the youngsters to shame. BVIB 2nd: STILLWELL Mr P J & Mrs G T Bellawave Moonlite Melody. An old favourite of mine and unlucky to come up against 1 today. This Tri is now 10 yrs old and shows no signs of slowing up! She is balance throughout and of a nice size. Her head is lean and clean. Not quite the eye and expression of 1, but still nice. Ears well set and used. Excels in body shape and still moves like she has always done. She is of good colour and presented and handled well. 3rd: BLAKE Miss M J Demelewis Catch The Breeze For Corydon

Judge Nick Smith