• Show Date: 04/01/2018
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Leila Tarabad Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Boston & District Canine Society

Breed: Bichon Frise

  Puppy Dog (2,1)  1. Coad’s Regina Bichon You Rock My World at Pamplona.  Gorgeous 7 month old with great ring presence.  Sweet head and expression with dense pigment, dark round eyes, definite stop and correct length of muzzle. Nicely balanced outline with good reach of neck, straight front, lovely topline and tail carriage, well angulated rear and good bone and substance for age.  Moved very well in all directions with good reach and drive maintaining a lovely outline in profile at all times. Very promising youngster with a lovely attitude. BP and I was delighted to see him take Puppy Group 3 at the end of the day.  Open Dog (3) Three lovely dogs.  1. Johns’ NL Ch. Manoir Hooray Henry.  Beautifully presented 3 year old who couldn’t be ignored.  Well balanced and soundly constructed throughout with good length of neck, super front angulation with lovely  forechest, spring of rib and tuck up. Firm topline and correctly carried tail with lovely rear assembly. His nicely proportioned head has the most beautiful dark round eyes surrounded by superb haloes, correct length of muzzle with strong jaw, big black nose and correctly set ears.  His effortless movement really caught my eye as he covered the ground easily with wonderful reach and drive holding his outline firm and head proudly. In lovely coat, super condition and well pigmented throughout. I’m sure he wont wait long for his UK title, I thought he was just beautiful. BD,BOB, and later took Toy Group 2. Congratulations.  2. Coad’s Pamplona Burneze Snobbie Bobbie.  Another quality 3year old with much to like.  Slightly smaller than 1 and again a nicely balanced shape with good bone and substance presented in sparkling condition and always handled to an advantage. Correctly shaped head with good pigment and dark expressive eyes, flat cheeks and well balanced length of muzzle.  Moved freely and accurately in all directions. RBD.  3. Mellor’s Avenir Breaking News at Bellapip.  Puppy Bitch (4,3)  1. Witheld. Unfortunately the 8 month old baby in this class totally refused to walk no matter how hard her handler tried! She was a nice type but I couldn’t place her without seeing her move at least a few steps so I was forced to withhold.   Junior Bitch (1)  1. Coad’s Regina Bichon Zoom To The Moon at Pamplona (Imp).Ultra feminine little lady not long out of puppy, presented in lovely coat and condition.   Pretty, nicely balanced head with dark round eyes and good haloes, dark pigment and correct dentition.   Lovely size and shape with good reach of neck, level topline, good depth of chest, tuck up and rear assembly. Moved effortlessly around the ring with head held proudly and outline firm.  Still has some maturing to do but will undoubtedly gain her title. BB, BOS.  Post Grad Bitch (1)  1.Coster & Allum’s Portrena Midsummer Madness at Janmobishi. Smart moving  2 year old with a neat outline, good reach of neck, well sprung ribs and firm topline. Feminine head with dark eyes, good haloes, moderate stop, correct dentition and good pigment throughout.  Lovely temperament. RBB.