• Show Date: 15/12/2018
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Hayley Seal Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Ladies Kennel Association

Breed: Bulldog

Critique for LKA 2018


1st. Livingstone’s, jacobella Captain Flint, red & white Male impressive head for 7 month puppy ,large open nostrils, lovely clear dark eyes, good jaw with good sweep, nice rose ears, lovely top line and tail set moved well,when she got him going.

2nd Legris, One man show des bulls des haute falaises, red white baby,lovely head with excellent pigment ,good sweep and width of jaw ,good depth of chest ,nice top line also moved well just preferred the finish of top line and tail set of 1 


1st & BPD Sibbicks’s ,Treasurabull peaky Blinder, Red & white puppy Male with clean ,clear dark eyes, nostrils wide open , good width of muzzle , nice reach of neck good front assembly , enough rib and good on the hind quarters I’m sure he will do well in the future 

2nd.Legris Ornero Des Bulls Des Hautes Falaises smaller than first but still a beautiful puppy again fabulous pigment eyes clear and dark , neat roll with good true jaw, good front , with nice pear shaped body beautiful tail set he moved well , I’m sure these can change places in the future 


1st. Smiths Masconbulls Henry’s Legacy Carasmel Red & white lovely headed dog, nice rose ears ,dark clean eyes and open nostrils , good reach of neck , shoulders placed correctly down to nice tight feet , good rib and tail set, moved and handled well,

2nd.pickering’s Lilylove Notorious McGregor, white & Red another strong headed dog With square shaped skull, slight wrinkle ,eyes good , good width of fore face ,lovely top line and tail set , moved well just preferred the front of 1 


1st.Rodgers ,Olaf do bulldog Low rider of Belushi , white & red brindle ,I loved this dogs head, lovely flat skull and and good length a jaw to die for, great width and Well cushioned fore face straight True jaw lovely sweep ,nice tacked on shoulders top line ok ,was I bit full on first on the move but went again and moved well second time 

2nd, Livingstone’s Ruakuri On The Road again at Jacobella white & red Male square head with clear open eyes , nice square front , good top line leading to free tail set , moved well , just preferred the head of 1 


1st. BD & BOB Haines ,Justafiabull Tristana JW Sh.CM , WOW this boy caught my eye soon as he came in couldn’t take my eyes off him ,reminded me of one of my champs ,superb square & brick shaped Head, beautiful roses ears set low , large black nose with large open Nostrils ,beautiful straight Jaw with good width & Turn ,well cushioned foreface, also correct layback , short but enough arch of neck , correct shoulders tacked on ,Beautiful pear shape body leading to great angulation and superb on the move what a Star , great too hear it was his 2nd CC & he was also short listed in the group 

2nd.Bannister’s Andlare Okey Dokey red & White ,also a lovely head ,clear dark eyes , open Nostrils, straight jaw with enough sweep , great cushioned foreface ,enough depth of chest ,good arch of neck ,top line good leading to great tail set angulation good and body shape just unfortunate to meet 1, preferred the strength of head of 1st.


1st RCC , Bannisters. Andlare Everhard JW Red brindle & white Male ,lovely flat skull ears correctly placed low ,lovely sour expression, great width and straight jaw ,good depth of chest with tacked on shoulders , lovely top line , leading to beautifully set tail. And good tuck up excellent on the move coming and going 

2nd Parker’s Albionpride A Kind Of Magic JW fawn & White square head ,with well placed eyes , round and dark ,which were clear ,open nostrils , good jaw ,with enough sweep , well padded fore face,good arch of neck , enough rib and Good roached back , moved well ,just preferred movement of 1 


1st. Howard’s Maxibulz The Muse of Love red & white male , nice head with clean wrinkles , eyes clear good jaw ,enough bone , good rear and moved well round the ring 


1st & BPB Parker’s Albionpride Miss Furtado Brindle & White , this baby had beautiful dark eyes, lovely wide open nostrils , and good mouth and teeth , lovely expression, lovely depth of chest with tacked on shoulders nice tight feet , beautiful pear shape with a good barrel of rib moved very well I’m sure she will have a bright future 

2nd. Richardson’s, Jaudette Honey Bee, red and white baby with largest and clear eyes ,wide open nostrils and good jaw correct front ,nice tight feet , good tuck up and top line just preferred the overall body shape of 1 st 


1st , Sauves Sébastien ,Queen Choice of Dorwood white & Red puppy with lovely expression ,eyes clean and Dark ,good width of for face,straight bone ,top line ok good rear angulation was a little timid on the move 


1st , BCC . Goodwins , Britishpride Isley Miyake,White bitch, beautiful feminine bitch well balanced , lovely clean dark eyes , nicely rosed ears ,fine wrinkles with lovely expression good jaw and turn,tacked on shoulders leading down to straight bone and tight feet ,excellent top line and tail set with a good 

tuck up ,not exaggerated in any way , walked her width & moved & Handled very well I learned after this was her first CC I’m sure the rest will follow .

2nd Lamonts , Laroyal Lead by Example , red & white another lovely bitch with good flat skull, and clear dark eyes set well nostrils well open and nice jaw , good width on her shoulders and good bone, lovely rib and body shape , just preferred front movement of 1 st 


1 st Davies , Baalzebul Snowflake Onyx, red &white female, has lovely dark eyes, great pigment ,lovely jaw , nostrils open , square front with good bone , topline ok , moved & handled well 

2nd Rodgers, Belushi Polk salad Annie , white & Red bitch not exaggerated in any way, clear dark eyes ,wide open nostrils , good strong neck lovely top line , preferred movement of 1 


1st. Vospers Busterleigh Bijou Sh CM Jw red & white female strong head with good width between the eyes which were clear and dark ,wide open nostrils , nicely rosed ears good width & sweep of jaw , enough bone with good front assembly ,top line ok and tail ok good rear angulation moved well 

2nd Stephensons Angelclan Arabella Rosalie ,red & White feminine female with lovely head , eyes clean , good jaw with enough width , nice tacked on shoulders , enough depth and enough rib ,also moved well preferred the head of 1 


1st & RCC George Avawood Connie Jw , red & white ,lovely headed Bitch nice thin rose ears ,set well ,dark clean and clear eyes lovely jaw and sweep , good depth of chest with tacked on shoulders straight bone and tight feet ,top line ok ,tail free moving ,lovely shape and moved beautifuly around the ring it was so close between the CC & RCC 

2nd Bannister Ch Andlare This Is Kaboodle JW Red & White another bitch that can swap places with my Cc & Rcc but unfortunately I can only award-two top honours which is a shame ,this lovely bitch is of standard size ,excellent front lovely head and expression ,nice pear shaped body with lovely rear angulation she just didn’t move as well as 1 st 


1st Howard Maxibulz Maid of Love white & Red Nice female , fine bone but just enough, good head with dark eyes , straight front , and moved well 

Judge Hayley Seal ( Sealaville)