• Show Date: 19/03/2017
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Lisa Moir Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 24/03/2025

Whitehaven & District Canine Association

Breed: YKC Handling



This was a lovely friendly show, with very sporting exhibitors and a warm welcome was extended to me by all. My sincere thanks to the committee for the kind invitation to judge, which I thoroughly enjoyed, I was really delighted with the quality of handling on the day.

YKC Handling 6-11 years (4,2)

The two young ladies in this class displayed similar skills and were both very competent handlers. I was impressed with the correct and efficient set up of their breeds. Both girls used their voice giving commands and gentle encouragement throughout. They both completed the required triangle and straight up and down with accuracy, moving their dogs at the correct speed and getting the best out of them. It came down to presentation of the teeth, with Eryn just having the edge over Ellie, by positioning her Golden Retrievers head slightly higher so I could clearly see without having to change my positioning. Well done to both girls, I’m sure you will swap places on many occasions!

1st Eryn Williams handling a Golden Retriever.

2nd Ellie Beach handling a Lancashire Heeler.

YKC Handling 12-16 years (10,2)

Well this class was both a delight and a challenge to judge. I was spoilt for choice here and I really wish I had more prize cards. The standard in this class was pretty exceptional and I have no doubt these handlers will regularly swap places. All were smartly dressed in colours to complement their dogs. Thank you to all the handlers for their patience whilst we waited on a fellow competitor coming from the breed ring.

1st Elise O’Connor handling a TT. A handler who has done well under me before and did not fail to deliver yet again. I really like Elise’s quiet confident manner, she presents her dog to its very best, on the move and standing, making sure he is always the main attraction. Presentation of teeth was done gently and calmly with consideration for her dog, ensuring I had an unobstructed view. Elise has a super rapport with her dog, moving as one. I was really impressed with Elise’s handling performance and if I had to be critical I would encourage Elise to try and smile a little more.

2nd Paige Spencer handling an Australian Shepherd. A different style of handler to Elise though many of the same comments apply. Paige is a smiley, confident handler who pushed hard in this class. Her dog was presented immaculately and they had a lovely rapport. Paige made good use of the small ring to get her dog moving out at the correct speed and pattern work was neat. I had to be hyper critical to split these two and the deciding factor came down to the teeth presentation – unfortunately from Paige I could only see the top teeth when showing the front of the mouth.

3rd Lauren Huyton handling a Schipperke. Another lovely competent young handler, who perhaps lacks a bit of self belief. Did everything I asked to the letter, and when her dog became distracted she remained calm and gently encouraged him back on track. Stood her dog correctly and efficiently on the table and floor, and gaited her dog at just the right speed so they moved as one.

4th James Winkley-Balmer handling a Whippet. James is a lovely gentle handler who uses his voice to connect with his dog throughout. Pattern work was neat, although he unfortunately lost out on a higher placing today as he was tending to get ahead of his dog on the move. Set-up on the floor was exactly right, but could be a little quicker. Presentation of teeth was spot on- empathetic and unobtrusive.

5th Morgan Binnersley handling a Siberian Husky. At a slight disadvantage today in such a small ring, although Morgan did a good job. Morgan would benefit from having a bit more awareness of her dog’s positioning on the stand, as he was tending to stand a touch tucked under.

6th Katie McMillan handling a JRT. A very capable young handler showing a dog which was not her own. Katie did all that was asked of her to a high standard, just lacked the polish and confidence (which comes with experience) of the older handlers in this class. Katie undoubtedly has a very bright future as a dog handler.

YKC Handling 17-24 (6, 3)

1st Kayleigh Parkinson handling a Eurasier. A very talented handler Kayleigh got the best out of her dog on the stand and the move. She was at one with her Eurasier and they flowed round the ring in symmetry. Completed all that was asked to a professional standard, ensuring her dog was the main attraction throughout.

2nd Elanor Brown handling a GSP. A smooth attentive handler, who got the best out of her dog. Presentation of teeth was spot on; pattern work consisted of straight clean lines and the pace between dog and handler astute. Stacking of her dog was gentle and empathetic though could benefit from a slightly quicker set-up on the floor (after moving). Not much to separate these two and another day could yield a different result.

3rd Emily Jade Best handling a Whippet. A kind handler, who used her voice to encourage her dog throughout. Was up against it in this class coming up against Kayleigh and Elanor. A capable handler though just lacked the precision and polish of 1 & 2.