• Show Date: 05/08/2017
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Julia Clarke Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Hound Association

Breed: Borzoi

Thank you a wonderful entry, which it was my privilege and joy to judge.  I thought presentation was good and that the exhibits benefitted from the large ring where movement could be shown off to its best.  I did find that a few exhibits showed poor front action with lack of extension and pinning in, while in the rear department, a number moved close behind.  Some exhibits had plaque encrusted upper molars.  A number of exhibits flew their tails on the move which detracted from an otherwise pleasing presentation, and in some classes I was splitting hairs, making decisions.  I was well pleased with my winners, and found there was sufficient quality from which to choose them.

PD (5 Entries) Abs:2

1: Graham's DASHAVA CALGARY.  Eyecatching 12m.o. s/r; super head with good bite, nice dark eye and small correct ears, excellent reach of neck, good front and lay of shoulder, good length loin, excellent topline, nice hindquarters with adequate angulation and well let down hocks, moved freely with drive.    

2: Dawsons' STEPPENDANCE PINTEL AT STUBBYLEE (Imp Nor).  Stunning 6 m.o.baby, fawn sable, lovely head with dark eye and pigmented rims, correct neat ears, lovely reach of neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good topline and hindquarters with well let down hocks, good feet; moved well, I liked his drive from behind while he showed his paces.  A promising puppy.  


JD (2)

1: Fakkerts' CASHMIR OF THE WICKLOW HUNTERS.  12m.o. self red, excellent head with dark eye and pigmented rim, small neat ears, good reach of neck into excellent front, good topline, good length loin and excellent hindquarters, moved well covering plenty of ground. 

2:  Wheatleys' RUSSKIY AZART AMBASSADOR REALITY RONDO (It Imp).  White & gold 18m.o. Pleasing masculine head and expression, correct neat ears, would prefer a shade narrower skull, strong neck into good front, slightly shorter coupled than 1, deep brisket, good spring of rib, good bend of stifle, moved well.  

YD (2)

1:  Arnold's BALLENBREICH BOGATYR. Rising 2y.o. red & white, good masculine head with correct proportions, nice eye and expression, correct neat ears, strong neck into good front, nice spring of rib, good topline, good hind angulation, moved soundly and with drive.  

2:  Harvey's LYNX WINTER SOLSTICE OF ALBANEILER (Swed Imp).  Attractive 20m.o. white & silver grey, pleasing head with nice dark eye, neat well set ears, strong neck, decent shoulder, deep brisket, shorter coupled than 1.  Moved rather close behind and turning in right pastern.

 SBD (2)

1:  Carter's OBERON VAN DE MARLOE.  2y.o. Red & white, sorry to say, but a wee bit fat, so has lost his topline, head okay with lovely rose ears, hindquarters okay but needs more second thigh, movement could also improve if a few pounds shed.

2:  Grocock's HARROPINE TROTSKY AT HAVALAG.  5 y.o. Red brindle, nice dark eye, unfortunately carrying excess weight which affected his movement, as well as flattening his topline, lacking in quality, needs work.  

PDG (7)

1:  Binnie's DREAMLIGHT DANCING BRAVE.  Attractive 3y.o. tortoiseshell/white, good masculine head of correct proportions, small delicate correctly set ears, strong neck into good front, nice top line and length loin, good hindquarters, a pleasing overall picture, moved soundly.  

2:  Abrahams' JAMARQUI MORRISSEY.  Another attractive white/fawn 2y.o. but shade broader skull than 1, lovely neat correct ears, good front, topline just a bit exaggerated, being shorter in loin with steeper fallaway than 1, good bend of stifle but would prefer more length second thigh, front action on the move was correct but rear action not so fluid and rather stilted when viewed moving away.


LD  (7) Abs:1

1:  Bell's RYAZAN PHOENIX Sh.CM.  Powerful, substantial, elegant 5y.o mahogany brindle & white, possessing superb long lean and correctly proportioned head with veining clearly visible, correct profile with pronounced occipital process, well filled below dark correct almond shaped eye with intelligent and knowing expression, strong jaws, good dentition and correct bite, correctly placed small, pointed and delicate ears, strong neck with plenty of reach set correctly onto long well laid shoulders, excellent muscular forequarters, correct feet.  Deep brisket with good spring of rib, good length of loin and good topline, powerful muscular hindquarters with well let down hocks, not overdone in any way, and presenting a balanced stance with no exaggerations.  Moved well and conveyed effortless power and symmetry; a lovely long correctly set feathered tail, held correctly on the move, completed the picture.  DCC and Best of Breed.

2:  Collinson's HOGSMEAD HARRY POTTER.  Rising 4 y.o. red & white, pleasing masculine head of correct proportions and profile, dark eye, powerful jaw, correct bite and dentition, well set correct ears, good reach of neck set onto good front, good body with deep brisket and nice spring of rib, correct topline, well angulated hindquarters, used to give plenty drive on the move, flew his tail above level of back when going through his paces, but otherwise moved soundly.  


OD (8)  Abs:1

1:  Abrahams' CH GO GO BOLSHOI SUNDANCE KID TO JAMARQUI (Imp). 4,1/2 y.o. white & pale red.  Good masculine head with correct proportions, strong jaw with correct bite and dentition, dark eye and rims, correctly set small pointed ears, strong neck with good reach, onto good front, well off for bone with excellent forequarters, good deep brisket and spring of rib, lovely hindquarters with good bend of stifle, beautifully presented, moved well with reach and drive, Res.CC.

2:  Clare's CH RYAZAN ANTON.  6, 1/2 y.o. white and gold, substantial dog combining elegance and a powerful athletic build.  Not quite the classic head of 1, to split hairs, but pleasing expression with nice dark eye and dark pigmented rims, strong neck with good reach on to well laid shoulders and good front, well off for bone, good legs and feet, deep brisket with good spring of rib, good length of loin and correct topline, excellent angulated hindquarters, sound easy action on the move.


VD (1) Abs:1

PB (4) Abs:1

1:  Gooder's SKYROSE SYMBOL OF FLANDERS.  8m.o. elegant self black, possessing  pleasing head with very dark eye pigmentation and rims, good reach of neck, good length loin and well angulated hindquarters, good legs and feet, nice to see carrying allowed weight at this age, presented in good condition, moved well.  

2:  Johnson's SKYROSE SEA OF PAPAVAS AT VIRIDIS.  Exuberant pretty litter sister to 1, white with black head, shorter foreface than 1, nice reach of neck, better front angulation that 1, but shorter coupled, bouncing around on the move as in "I want to play", should settle given time.   

3:  Codling & Jones' MISHRAN SIGGY AT JANSAMS.

JB (3)

1:  Ward's RUSSKIY AZART ILUMINDA LA VIE EST BELLE (Imp).  1y.o. white/gold, pleasing bitch of balanced construction, lovely head and expression, with dark eye and black rims, decent lay of shoulder and good front, good body, brisket and tuck up, nice length loin and topline, good hindquarters, good legs and feet, moved well.   

2:  Fakkerts' CHAIJKA OF THE WICKLOW HUNTERS.  1y.o. fawn & white, has pleasing head with lovely dark eye, correct small well carried ears, lovely construction, not quite the upper arm of 1, nevertheless excellent body, length loin and good topline, good hindquarters with well let down hocks, moved well.  


YB (1)  Abs:1

SBB (1)  Abs:0

Rogerson's NIBRASS EMERALD QUEEN.  2y.o. silver brindle&white.  Good head, lovely reach of neck, good deep brisket and nice spring of rib, good legs and feet, lovely hindquarters with low hocks, moved well albeit a shade close behind, but overall a very pleasing exhibit.

PGB (5)  Abs:1 


2:  Conroy's QUARENTAS LIFES FIRST LOVE AT ENOLAM.  3y.o. red&white, lovely bitch to go over, lean head of correct proportions, strong jaw, well filled under dark pigmented eye, excellent body, hindquarters well angulated with low set hocks, moved well.  


LB (15). Abs:4

1:  Van Hoof-Beckers' NORIANA OF RUSSIAN DREAMS 3, 1/2y.o. white&silver, pleasing overall bitch, nice head with good veining, dark eye and pigmented rims, fine  correct ears, strong neck onto good body, good topline, deep brisket, good legs and feet, well angulated hindquarters with well let down hocks, moved well.

2:  Dawsons' STUBBYLEE PRIMA DONNA.  Rising 3y.o. white&brindle, eye-catching bitch with stunning head and expression, long lean and narrow skull, lovely dark eye, would prefer shade tighter flews, excellent reach of neck, good body with deep brisket, but steep pasterns lacking any slope which I faulted, well off for bone and substance, decent hindquarters with well let down hocks, moved well with drive.  


OB (9)  Abs: 2


4y.o. self red.  Good long lean head of correct proportions, well filled in below dark eyes with dark pigmented rims, long and deep jaw, correct set fine small ears, strong neck with good reach onto excellent front, deep brisket and nice spring of rib, good body and correct topline, excellent hindquarters with well let down hocks, good legs and feet, moved well with reach and drive.  BCC

2:  Godden's BEAMER STARQUEST.  7y.o. white & silver, lovely head with good length of foreface, excellent back skull, narrow, with pronounced occiput, lovely dark pigmented eye and and dark rims, correct small well set ears, good reach of neck, lay of shoulder, and nice deep brisket. Good length loin and nice topline, good legs and feet, excellent hindquarters, moved well, RBCC.


VB (4)

1:  Wilenczyc's  KASHIBA OH NO NOT MY BABY. 9y.o. Red&white pleasing head and expression with lovely dark eye and melting expression, would prefer stronger muzzle, nice refined back skull, correct small ears, good reach of neck onto well laid shoulders and good front, good topline, nicely angulated hindquarters with well let down hocks, sound on the move with good reach and drive.  

2:  Godden's CH STRELKOS SKYLARK OVER BEAMER.  10, 1/2 y.o. white/cream, pleasing head, slightly shorter skull, dark pigmented eye, strong neck onto good front, very deep brisket, nice spring of rib,  good length loin and good topline, nicely angulated hindquarters, good legs and feet, moved well.