• Show Date: 10/08/2008
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Tina Watkins Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 22/09/2024

Bournemouth Canine Association

Breed: Basset Hound

Bournemouth Championship Show - Basset Hounds

Sadly due to the weather suddenly closing in, the only class of the day to have the benefit of the large outside ring was MPD. The strong wind lifting the canvas upset some and my decisions took this into account. Out of a quality entry I found only one suspect mouth, some with light eyes and some incorrect head plains but all were presented in immaculate condition. I would like to thank both my stewards for their professionalism in difficult and cold conditions.

MPD (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st BERRIMAN Majali's Bo Diddley

What a lovely baby barely 6 months with good bone throughout, Tri, lovely head qualities, correct plains with dark eyes of correct shape, low set leathers and nice depth to lip. Good length of neck, sternum developing, laid back shoulders with ribs of good length. Strong level topline and well angulated quarters for and aft with a lovely bend of stifle feet well knuckled. Correct tailset. Moved out soundly free and full of confidence, needs a little more time to finish the picture.

2nd GILKES Birichino Big Hangings

Ample boned, open Tri, good head and expression, lovely dark eye of correct shape, leathers low set. Would prefer a little more length to neck, well developed sternum with good lay of shoulder. Ribs carried well back with good angulation and correct tailset. Well bunched feet, moved well although front needs to come together and settle.

PD (1 Entry) Abs: 0

1st BROWN Kortebin Holbein of St Hubert

Stood alone but worthy, honest nicely maturing tri, a little dry and would prefer more work in his head but that aside so much to like, lovely dark eye of good shape and kindest of expressions and low set leathers. Reachy neck with good lay of shoulder, prominent sternum beginning to sit nicely into his crook, rounded rib cage carried well back, strong level topline, lovely bend of stifle, tightly bunched feet, well angulated fore and aft with ample bone. The flapping canvas disturbed him, but made up for it in the challenge, he has good reach and drives from behind movement free and parallel. BP

JD (4 Entries) Abs: 0

1st DAVIES & HUNT Valandee Dark Dandy

Blanketed tri, masculine head dark lozenge shaped eye, calm expression low set curling leathers and nice depth of lip, well arched neck. Good shoulders tight elbows, prominent sternum set well into crook. Super ribbing, topline long and level with good depth and bone throughout. Quarters strong and well angulated, correct tailset and hocks well let down. Moved well although disturbed by the canvas flapping.

2nd BECKETT Houndstone Sydney Spruce

Dark tri different type to 1. Masculine head and dark eye pleasing expression with long leathers, strong well arched neck, good shoulders and developed sternum and still needing to drop into crook which will come with maturity. Ribs reaching well back with strong topline and well muscled quarters. Tightly knuckled feet. Moved well covering the ground with ease.

3rd WHITTOCK Woferlow Patrolman at Whitline

ND (1 Entry) Abs: 0

1st WATKINSON Viahninns Claude Monet

Tri, well up to size, masculine head with dark eye of good shape, low set leathers, nice arch to neck and well developed sternum, sound even front fitting into his crook, level topline, well set tail, angulated hind quarters and good feet. Would prefer a little more length overall. Moved purposefully. Sadly let down badly by his handler suggests she finds a good training class.

PGD (11 Entries) Abs: 1

1st MILLER Durins Dain Ironfoot of Eastmill

Tri. So much to like about this one, slow maturing and very balanced. Masculine head, dark eyes with soft expression and lozenge shaped eyes, leathers of good length, curling and well set. Nicely arched neck well laid shoulders with tight elbows good front assembly with prominent sternum fitting into well defined crook. Ribs long and rounded with level topline. Strong and angulated rear quarters, Good bone and depth throughout. Standing square on tight well padded feet. Moves a little wide but even in front but has good reach and drives purposefully from behind. RCC

2nd GILKES Tanneron George Washington at Birichino

Tri Very similar but not the head qualities or front construction of 1 Lovely dark eye and kind expression, well arched neck and ribs carried well back with level topline, good depth of body and bone throughout. Strong quarters with tightly bunched feet. Moved well.

3rd BECKETT Houndstone Lion Heart

 LD (4 Entries) Abs: 1

A rather disappointing class.

1st MALIN Malrich Voodoo

Placed 5th in previous class, but won this easily on his overall soundness and construction. Tri presented in immaculate condition. Good head qualities with a pleasing expression, low set leathers. Strong neck, tight elbows and sound even front construction, ample forechest fitting neatly into his crook. Good ribs well extended and nicely angulated hind quarters. Has depth throughout. Well knuckled feet. Move true fore and aft. My only criticism his handler needs to take more care and put in a little more work into presentation.

2nd LEDBURY & MERRY Ledline Chevrolet

Substancial R/W Nice head and dark eye, pleasing expression with correct earset. Heavy over the shoulders reducing length of neck, well developed sternum with long ribbing. Front construction not that of 1. Would prefer a little more bend to his stifle. Feet well padded. Wide front action driving from behind.

3rd KELSEY Rakefoot Tennesoyn Bay through Malacante

OD (5 Entries) Abs: 1

I have judge both of these dogs before and given them top awards

1st KELSEY Malacante Bay of Silence JW

At my last Club Open Show I gave him BIS and said everything was together and in the right place. My opinion has not change. Balanced picture and presented in immaculate condition! Strong masculine head with darkest of eyes and calm expression low set fine leathers and good depth of lip. Nicely arched neck well developed and pronounced sternum, clean laid back shoulders, tight elbows and well defined crook. Long well sprung ribs. Strong level topline good bend of stifle well angulated with good bone throughout. Correct tailset and carriage, with a super apple bottom. Standing square on large tightly knuckled feet with neat hocks. Moves freely, true parallel fore and aft showing reach and drive. Pulled out all of the stops and pleased to award him the CC.

2nd STORTON Ch Dereheath Marcus Aurelius

One I judge twice before and a favourite of mine, Balanced tri colour with good bone throughout. He has super head qualities, with lovely dark eyes and a kind calm expression. He gives an overall appearance of a true stallion hound. Movement sound, true and free. Disappointed that he had dropped weight which spoilt his overall balance for me on the day.

3rd ALLEN Fivevalleys Forester

MPB (4 Entries) Abs: 0

1st TRYHORN Moragden Maggie May

Happy little person enjoying her day. Tri. Would prefer slightly better head plains, but lovely expression and dark eye, long, low set fine leathers, nice arch to her neck front still developing and needs to settle. Good length to ribs, level topline and well angulated hindquarters. Movement a little difficult to assess but won on her quality.

2nd BERRIMAN Majali's Hemphis Minnie

Another very nice young lady very much a baby and the previous attributes apply equally, will watch both with interest.

3rd GILKES Birichino Flinty Hill


JB (5 Entries) Abs: 1

1st GATER Balmacara Orange Blossom for Kithalined

R/W Nice typey youngster. Feminine head and expression love dark eye of correct shape, strong neck and good shoulder placement and nicely developing sternum needing to drop into crook, could have a little more length to her ribs. Topline strong with well muscled quarters, moved well, but disturbed by canvas settled more as she went.

2nd DAVIES Valandee Dark Damsel

Blanketed tri. Thought this would be my class winner, but the flapping canvas got the better of her and she just would not co-operate. Super feminine head qualities with darkest of eyes, lovely soft expression with low set curling leathers and pronounced Occiput. Well angulated for and aft, well developed sternum filling her crook and long rounded ribs level topline and muscled with good bone throughout and knuckled up feet.

3rd DANEL Houndstone Harriet Hazel of Widgerleydown

NB (1 Entry) Abs: 1

PGB (8 Entries) Abs: 2

1st WATSON Carresmar Look No Further

Blanketed tri. lovely head qualities, feminine with a melting expression. Reachy neck and good shoulder placement with tight elbows. Well-developed sternum with deep chest and good front construction all nicely fitting to her crook. Long ribs giving good length to back, rear used to advantage on the move, would prefer a little more bend to stifle. Movement freely, true fore and aft. Standing on well-knuckled feet with good bone throughout.

2nd MILLER Switherland Double Delight at Feorlig JW

R/W smaller mould than 1. Nice head with feminine proportions, dark eye of good shape low set leathers, arched neck with good shoulder placement and well developed sternum. Long well rounded ribs and strong topline. Muscled quarters. Moved out with purpose and at one with her handler.

3rd WALDEN Nedlaw Marmalade

LB (7 Entries) Abs: 2

1st ALLEN Fivevalleys Pollyanna JW

Tri. This girl oozes femininity. Super head with correct plains, soft melting expression. Eyes of good colour and shape, long well set curling leathers. Lengthy arched neck, with developed sternum and well laid shoulders, sound even front which sits in her nicely defined crook. Ribs rounded and long with strong back and level topline, good tailset and sabre like carriage. Muscled quarters with lovely bend of stifle, tightly knuckled up feet and good bone throughout. Moved out soundly showing good reach to front and a lovely driving action from behind, parallel covering the ground effortlessly. A picture of balance with nothing in exaggeration. CC & BOB

2nd ARMSTRONG Clavidar Talk Of the Town at Lauralee

Tri, nice head and pleasing expression, dark eye and low set curling leathers. Good length to neck with well laid shoulders, ample sternum. Rounded ribbing with muscled quarters. Moved well but preferred the front and bend of stifle of 1.

3rd LEDBURY & MERRY Ledline Minnehoma

OB (4 Entries) Abs: 2

1st SALUSBURY Ch Mooroolbark Fire and Ice

R/W Lovely head qualities, dark eye of correct shape, deepest of lips, long well set curling leathers, good reach of neck, well developed forechest, carrying a little too much over her shoulders for me which shortened her neck. Sound and even in front fitting well into crook. Long rounded ribs and strong level topline nicely angulated and muscled quarters. Large tight feet and good bone throughout. Super parallel movement showing both reach and drive. RCC

2nd LEDBURY & MERRY Ledline Mercedes

R/W Pretty feminine head with dark eye and pleasing expression, nice arch to neck. Nicely developed front and deep forechest and set into crook, good shoulder placement, lovely long ribs carried, good rear angulation, knuckled up feet and good bone throughout. Moved well. Unlucky to have met 1 today.

  Tina Watkins (Judge)