• Show Date: 20/09/2003
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Tina Watkins Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 22/09/2024

Lancashire, Yorkshire & Cheshire Basset Hound Club

LYC Basset Hound Club Open Show 20.09.03

I would like to thank the officers and committee for their kind invitation, and the exhibitors for taking my decisions graciously. I was happy with my principle winners and the overall quality. Sadly movement was difficult to assess due to ring size. However, I found a few suspect mouths, and ribs need to be watched. Some hounds were penalised because they were carrying far too much weight, these hounds should be able to do a days work.

Minor Puppy Dog (2)

1 Storton’s Bromwylva Imperial Mint

7 month Tri colour, well up to size for age. Balanced with good bone throughout. Super head qualities, prominent occiput, good eye colour and shape, deep lip and supple low set leathers. Lovely arched neck. Good shoulder placement and tight feet with sound even front and prominent sternum. Ribs could be longer. Topline needs to settle. Would prefer a little more angulation in the hindquarters. Moved well. BPD

2 Mitchell’s Rakefoot Chewbacca

8-month large framed r/w. Good bone throughout. Not the head or leathers of 1, dark eye, good colour and shape. Good length to neck. Sufficient sternum, neat front and shoulders, nice body length, moderate ribbing and level topline Nicely muscled hindquarters, lacks a little in angulation. Not the movement of 1.

Puppy Dog (2)

1. Ellrich Malrich Villain

11-month, tri colour, from smaller mould with good bone and balanced throughout. Pleasant head, dark eye deep lip and nice leathers. Well laid shoulders, sound deep front with tight elbows and feet. Prominent sternum. Good ribs carried well back, good topline and hindquarters with well let down hocks. Moved with purpose.

2. Fryer Tigrine Sir Edison

10 month large framed r/w still a little rangy and will take more time to come together. Nice head eye colour and depth of lip well set leathers. Good length to neck, and well set shoulders. Front a little uneven, good ribbing extending well back, topline needs to settle. Nice quarters. Sadly lost out to 1 on movement.

Junior Dog (5-1abs)

1. Storton’s Dereheath Marcus Aurelius

Balanced tri colour. Another with super head qualities, masculine, with prominent occiput, dark eye and correct lozenge shape, calm expression. Good depth to lip and supple low set leathers. Lovely arch to neck. Good shoulder placement tight elbows with sound even front and prominent sternum. Would prefer a little more width to his chest. Ribs carried well back with strong level topline leading to well-angulated hindquarters, which he uses to advantage. Standing on well-knuckled feet. Correct tailset and carriage. Movement true both fore and aft. RBD

2. Gilbert’s Tigrine Sir Dominic

R/w nice head, eye in keeping with colour, calm expression and deep lip, correct low set leathers. Nice length to neck, good sternum and shoulder placement. Uneven in front. Good length of rib and topline needs to settle. Not the hindquarters or movement of 1

Open Dog (5-1abs) what a super class!

1. Graham’s Kayham Calgary Flame

One I have judged before and thought highly of. Pleased to say he presented himself better today than I have seen of late. A balanced r/w hound of substance with no exaggerations. Massive bone and depth throughout. Nice head with defined occiput and good plains. Dark eye and calm expression, deep lip and well set leathers. Strong muscled neck. Prominent sternum, well laid shoulders with tight elbows and good front. Ribcage long and well sprung, leading to well-muscled quarters, a little straight in stifle. Hocks well let down with good feet. Correct tailset and carriage. Smooth free movement, reaching well forward and driving from behind. BD & BIS

2. Ellrich’s Malrich Private Ryan

Tri from smaller mould. Another super hound. Nice head qualities, lovely dark eye and well set leathers. Neck of good length, prominent sternum. Well-laid shoulders and super ribs carried well back, level topline and well-muscled and angulated hindquarters. Well let down hocks standing on knuckled-up feet. Moved well, and showed better than I have seen for some time. Unlucky to have met 1 today.

Veteran Dog or Bitch (1)

1. Chiver’s Chivwell Mischief Maker

Tri, lovely type. Just 7 years lovely feminine head, dark eye, supple well set leathers. Nice arch to neck, good front with plenty of sternum. Super ribbing carried well back, level topline with well-muscled quarters and good of stifle. Well let down hocks. Moved well. Certainly likes her food. BV.

Minor Puppy Bitch (6) another super class!

1. Salusbury’s Mooroolbark Fire and Ice

R/w baby - 6 months on the day, but what a little cracker! Caught my eye as she came into the ring and she did not disappoint. Super head qualities, dark eye of correct shape, deep lip, long well set curling leathers, good reach of neck, forechest needs to develop, still loose but even in front. Strong level topline. Super parallel movement showing good reach in front and driving well from behind. Strong bone throughout. Will watch her with interest. BPB. BPIS

2. Muttock’s Rakefoot Opel of Whinneywoods

8-month r/w larger framed. Pleasing head and expression, lovely dark eye, well set leathers, well arched neck. Good sternum and ribbing carried well back, topline needs to settle. Good quarters with let well down hocks. Well-knuckled feet and massive bone throughout. Moved with enthusiasm and drive.

Puppy Bitch (4)

1. Fryer’s Tigrine Lady Elequence

Tri, from smaller mould. Good head, lovely dark eye and expression, long well set leathers and ample depth of lip. Nice arch to neck, well laid shoulders, pronounced sternum with sound front and correct reach. Ribs carried well back, level top and underline. Well-angulated quarters well let down hocks, good knuckled up feet. Ample bone for size. Moved out well covering the ground with ease.

2. Ellrich’s Malrich Gryffindor

Tri, another little cracker. Nice head with beautiful dark eye and soft expression, nice depth of lip, leathers could be a little longer. Good arch to neck, well laid shoulders, good front assembly with plenty of sternum, lacks slightly in rib, good quarters and hocks. Well knuckled feet. Ample bone for size. Moved well, close decision.

Junior Bitch (2-1abs)

1. Fryer’s Tigrine Lady Destiny

Large framed r/w pleasing head and expression with long leathers. Well-arched neck, good

front, plenty of Sternum. Good shoulder placement, would prefer ribs a little longer, long

level topline nice bend of stifle. Neat hocks and well knuckled feet. Good bone throughout. Moves a little close behind.

Graduate Bitch (2)

1. Ellrich’s Bassbarr Simply Red at Malrich

 R/w with a large frame, nice head with dark eyes and good depth of lip well set leathers.

Neat front with plenty of sternum, well laid shoulders uneven movement. Ribs could be better. Level topline nicely angulated quarters used to advantage on the move. Could carry more weight.

2. Walker’s Rakefoot Nimaway

R/w slightly broader in skull than 1, dark eye and nice leathers and good depth to lip. Good front and sternum, well laid shoulders, would prefer a better spring of rib. Level topline carried well back. Adequate bend of stifle. Sadly she did not enjoy herself and it showed in her movement - pity.

Post Graduate Bitch (5-2abs)

1. Mummery’s Prebendsgate Prima Donna

Quality R/w Nice head with lovely dark eye and expression, correct, well set leathers. Good reach and arch to neck. Correct front assembly with true even movement, pronounced sternum. Lovely rounded ribs reaching well back, level top and underline. Well-angulated quarters with good bend of stifle and let down hocks. Standing square on well knuckled feet. Massive bone throughout. Correct tailset and carriage. Could carry at little more weight, but this did not detract from her overall quality. Showing smooth free movement, lovely reach in front and drive from behind. BB, RBIS

2. Broome’s Broomhurst Memphis Belle

R/w Showed in immaculate condition. Nice head qualities with dark eye and deep lip not the expression of 1. Good arch to neck. Neat front, a little upright in shoulder. Slightly uneven front movement. Well-rounded ribs carried well back. Level top and underline kept on the move. Adequate bend of stifle standing on well-knuckled feet could do with a little more bone for size. Moved well.

Limit Bitch (3-1abs)

1. Mitchell’s Rakefoot Youth Dew.

Deep r/w Pleasing head with dark eye, leathers could be longer. Nice arch to neck, clean front with good sternum. Well-laid shoulders. Level top and underline lacks a little behind. Sadly she decided not to move with any enthusiasm.

2. Mummery’s Dereheath Scheherazade at Prebendsgate

R/w, I have judged before. Not the head or expression of 1. Good arch to neck, uneven in front, well covered ribs. Good bend of stifle and well let down hocks. Sadly carries too much weight for me, which distracts for the overall picture.

Open Bitch (5-3abs)

1. Storton’s Dereheath Lacey

R/w pleasing head qualities with dark eye, well set leathers. Good arch to neck, ample sternum, tidy front, Nicely rounded ribs of good length. Tightly bunched feet, and ample bone throughout. Rear quarters used to advantage although disappointed by her front movement not helped by her weight on the day.

2. Mummery’s Prebendsgate Queen of Clubs

Tri with nice head qualities, dark eye and calm expression. Leathers long and well set. Good length to neck and clean shoulders. Well extended and rounded ribs. Lovely hind angulation with well let down hocks, good feet and bone throughout. Another carrying a little to much weight, which showed in her movement.

 Tina Watkins (Judge)